1. 人工智能是新的研究科學家嗎?人類主導的一項研究表明並非如此 ↑ 4 HN Points 08:32 Is AI the new research scientist? Not so, according to a human-led study (news.warrington.ufl.edu)
2. 噪音消除改善了人工智能語音代理的轉彎能力 ↑ 11 HN Points 03-25 Noise cancellation improves turn-taking for AI Voice Agents (krisp.ai)
3. Windows 11 將堵住一個漏洞,讓你無需創建微軟賬戶 ↑ 8 HN Points 07:41 Windows 11 is closing a loophole that let you skip making a Microsoft account (www.theverge.com)
4. 沃爾沃告訴插電式混合動力車車主停止充電 ↑ 5 HN Points 07:31 Volvo Tells Plug-In Hybrid Owners to Stop Charging (www.carscoops.com)
5. 2025 年關稅對普吉特系統的影響 ↑ 84 HN Points 07:08 2025 Tariff Impacts at Puget Systems (www.pugetsystems.com)
6. Show HN: 幾乎免費的開源 TURN 服務器 ↑ 8 HN Points #Show HN 06:46 An Almost Free, Open Source TURN Server (github.com)
7. 用樹莓派 DIY PTP 大師時鐘 ↑ 3 HN Points 05:37 DIY PTP Grandmaster Clock with a Raspberry Pi (www.jeffgeerling.com)
8. 美國證券交易委員會開始聘用兩性平等辦公室工作人員 ↑ 33 HN Points 05:42 US Securities and Exchange Commission beginning to bring on DOGE staff (www.reuters.com)
9. 美國聯邦存款保險公司(FDIC)表示,銀行可以在未經事先批准的情況下從事加密貨幣活動 ↑ 22 HN Points 04:48 FDIC says banks can engage in crypto activities without prior approval (www.reuters.com)
10. 電視在監視著您--公司發明新方法利用您的數據賺錢 ↑ 19 HN Points 04:37 TV is watching you – Companies inventing new ways to make money off your data (www.vox.com)
11. xAI 收購 X,xAI 現估值 800 億美元 ↑ 64 HN Points 05:23 xAI has acquired X, xAI now valued at 80 billion (twitter.com)
12. Ask HN: 無線車載播放軟件狗會竊取您的數據嗎? ↑ 7 HN Points #Ask HN 03-25 can Wireless-CarPlay dongles steal your data? (news.ycombinator.com)
13. 芬利 (YC W21) 正在招聘一名技術實施專家 HN Link #Job 05:01 Finley (YC W21) Is Hiring a Technical Implementations Specialist (ats.rippling.com)
15. 數字生活帶來的心理負擔甚至比分心更重 ↑ 13 HN Points 04:29 There''s a psychological burden of digital life even heavier than distraction (www.chrbutler.com)
20. 白堊紀的捕蠅器?化石黃蜂腹部的顯著變化 ↑ 4 HN Points 02:55 A cretaceous fly trap? remarkable abdominal modification in a fossil wasp (bmcbiol.biomedcentral.com)
22. 我們黑進了谷歌人工智能 "雙子星",並洩露了它的源代碼(至少是部分源代碼) ↑ 62 HN Points 02:12 We hacked Google''s A.I Gemini and leaked its source code (at least some part) (www.landh.tech)
23. SignalBotOne - 用於 Signal 的通知 Webhooks ↑ 3 HN Points 01:06 SignalBotOne – Notification Webhooks for Signal (signalbot.one)
25. Show HN: Hexi,面向 C 黑客的現代純頭文件網絡二進制序列化技術 ↑ 8 HN Points #Show HN 01:37 Hexi, modern header-only network binary serialisation for C hackers (github.com)
29. 死海附近發現有 2200 年曆史的金字塔,裡面裝滿了錢幣和武器 ↑ 10 HN Points 00:15 2,200-year-old pyramid filled with coins and weapons found near Dead Sea (www.livescience.com)
30. 莫伊裡超乎想象:揭示披薩的量子潛力 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-25 Moiré Than Meets the Eye: Uncovering the Quantum Potential of Phasons (newscenter.lbl.gov)
32. 永不消停的派萊克斯玻璃之爭(2019年) ↑ 10 HN Points 03-28 The Pyrex Glass Controversy That Just Won''t Die (2019) (gizmodo.com)
33. Show HN: 光標集成開發環境現在可使用 MCP 記憶您的編碼首選項 ↑ 7 HN Points #Show HN 03-28 Cursor IDE now remembers your coding prefs using MCP (news.ycombinator.com)
34. Xee:Rust 中的現代 XPath 和 XSLT 引擎 ↑ 20 HN Points 03-28 Xee: A Modern XPath and XSLT Engine in Rust (blog.startifact.com)
36. 用 CGO 和 Zig 構建靜態鏈接的 Go 可執行文件 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-28 Building Statically Linked Go Executables with CGO and Zig (calabro.io)
37. 使用 Clang-cl 在 Windows 上構建 Node.js ↑ 3 HN Points 03-25 Building Node.js on Windows with Clang-cl (joyeecheung.github.io)
38. 將因子分解為大因子 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Decomposing a Factorial into Large Factors (terrytao.wordpress.com)
39. 儘管發生了烏克蘭戰爭,歐洲去年進口的俄羅斯天然氣卻更多了 ↑ 19 HN Points 03-28 Despite Ukraine War, Europe Imported Even More Russian Gas Last Year (e360.yale.edu)
40. 日本科學家創造出可在一夜之間溶解於海水的新型塑料 ↑ 7 HN Points 03-28 Japanese scientists create new plastic that dissolves in saltwater overnight (newatlas.com)
41. 跨平臺 P2P Wi-Fi:歐盟如何扼殺 AWDL ↑ 22 HN Points 03-28 Cross-Platform P2P Wi-Fi: How the EU Killed AWDL (www.ditto.com)
42. 聊天機器人大辯論--3 月 25 日 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-25 The Great Chatbot Debate – March 25th (computerhistory.org)
43. 被閃電擊中對一些熱帶樹木有好處 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 Getting hit by lightning is good for some tropical trees (www.caryinstitute.org)
44. B 級片怪獸生物學》(2003 年) ↑ 6 HN Points 03-28 The Biology of B-Movie Monsters (2003) (fathom.lib.uchicago.edu)
45. 2025 計劃 "取消科學經費的路線圖 ↑ 24 HN Points 03-28 Project 2025''s roadmap to defund science (www.nature.com)
46. 如何撰寫開發人員閱讀的博文 - 重構英語 ↑ 10 HN Points 03-28 How to Write Blog Posts That Developers Read · Refactoring English (refactoringenglish.com)
47. 亞馬遜的 Levi''s 和 Levi''s 的 Levi''s 有什麼不同? ↑ 10 HN Points 03-28 Are Levi''s from Amazon Different from Levi''s from Levi''s? (nymag.com)
48. MilliForth-6502:適用於 6502 的最小 Forth 真實編程語言 ↑ 8 HN Points 03-28 MilliForth-6502: The smallest Forth real programming language for 6502 (github.com)
50. 我開了 300 英里,然後要求警方把我的汽車監控錄像發給我。 ↑ 62 HN Points 03-28 I drove 300 miles, then asked police to send me surveillance footage of my car. (cardinalnews.org)
51. 任何人都不應成為 "內容創造者" ↑ 36 HN Points 03-28 Nobody should be a "content creator" (christianheilmann.com)
52. PermitFlow (YC W22) 正在紐約市招聘高級/員工工程師 HN Link #Job 03-28 PermitFlow (YC W22) Is Hiring Senior/Staff Engineers in NYC (jobs.ashbyhq.com)
53. 讓我們來看看 JEP 483:提前加載類和鏈接 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-28 Let''s Take a Look at JEP 483: Ahead-of-Time Class Loading and Linking (www.morling.dev)
55. 谷歌在未經開發者同意的情況下公佈他們的家庭住址 ↑ 51 HN Points #Ask HN 03-28 Google is publishing the home addresses of developers without their consent (news.ycombinator.com)
56. 冰川退縮暴露 1,500 英里海岸線 ↑ 6 HN Points 03-24 Retreating Glaciers Expose 1,500 Miles of Coastline (e360.yale.edu)
58. iPhone 用戶現在可以將 WhatsApp 設置為默認通話和短信應用程序 ↑ 14 HN Points 03-28 iPhone users can now set WhatsApp as their default calling and texting app (www.theverge.com)
60. 研究人員從一對晶體管中獲得尖峰神經行為 ↑ 9 HN Points 03-28 Researchers get spiking neural behavior out of a pair of transistors (arstechnica.com)
62. 研究表明,學齡前兒童的推理能力比我們想象的更強 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-25 Preschoolers can reason better than we think, study suggests (phys.org)
63. 孕中期接觸汙染與產後抑鬱有關 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-28 Mid-pregnancy pollution exposure linked to postpartum depression (www.bps.org.uk)
64. 學習編碼,忽略人工智能,然後利用人工智能更好地編碼 ↑ 18 HN Points 03-28 Learn to code, ignore AI, then use AI to code even better (kyrylo.org)
67. 東南亞發生 7.7 級地震,緬甸和泰國受到影響 ↑ 13 HN Points 03-28 7.7 magnitude earthquake hits Southeast Asia, affecting Myanmar and Thailand (twitter.com)
68. 等離子調製器打破無線太赫茲障礙 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-25 Plasmonic Modulators Break Wireless Terahertz Barrier (spectrum.ieee.org)
70. 軟件工程實習生 - 結構化實驗室 (YC S23) 正在招聘 HN Link #Job 03-28 Software Eng Intern – Structured Labs (YC S23) Is Hiring (www.ycombinator.com)
71. 從單張運動模糊圖像估算攝像機運動軌跡 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-28 Estimating Camera Motion from a Single Motion-Blurred Image (jerredchen.github.io)
74. 駕駛豐田售價 1 萬美元的皮卡,你就會想擁有一輛 (2023) ↑ 16 HN Points 03-28 One Drive in Toyota''s 10k Pickup Will Make You Want One (2023) (www.motor1.com)
75. 創建怪異有趣的 PHPStan 規則,就像沒人在看一樣 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-25 Create Weird Fun PHPStan Rules Like Nobody''s Watching (tomasvotruba.com)
76. 信號聊天洩漏激怒美軍飛行員 ↑ 22 HN Points 03-28 Signal Chat Leak Angers U.S. Military Pilots (www.nytimes.com)
77. 為友好競賽做準備,讓數學充滿樂趣(2022 年) ↑ 3 HN Points 03-24 Making math fun by prepping for friendly competition (2022) (news.mit.edu)
78. 巨型真菌類生物可能是完全未知的生命分支 ↑ 13 HN Points 03-28 Giant, fungus-like organism may be a completely unknown branch of life (www.livescience.com)
79. Show HN: 我創建了一個用於激光切割的命令行 ASCII 徽標 SVG 生成器 ↑ 4 HN Points #Show HN 03-25 I built a command line ASCII logo SVG generator for laser cutting (github.com)
80. 研究法西斯主義的耶魯大學教授逃離美國到加拿大工作 ↑ 27 HN Points 03-28 Yale professor who studies fascism fleeing US to work in Canada (www.theguardian.com)
81. 每一次失敗都很重要在沒有高級 GPU 的情況下擴展 300B LLM ↑ 8 HN Points 03-24 Every Flop Counts: Scaling a 300B LLM Without Premium GPUs (arxiv.org)
82. 由於用戶希望避免訂閱費用,LibreOffice 的下載量呈上升趨勢 ↑ 32 HN Points 03-28 LibreOffice downloads on the rise as users look to avoid subscription costs (www.computerworld.com)
83. 反編譯和移植用 C 語言編寫的 GameBoy Advance 遊戲 Sonic Advance 2 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 A decompilation and port of Sonic Advance 2-a GameBoy Advance game written in C (github.com)
84. Show HN: 建立一個 MCP 服務器,用於在我的硬件合成器上直接進行聲音設計 ↑ 4 HN Points #Show HN 03-25 Built an MCP server for direct sound design on my hardware synth (github.com)
85. 使用 uv 和 PEP 723 編寫自包含的 Python 腳本 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-28 Using uv and PEP 723 for Self-Contained Python Scripts (thisdavej.com)
86. 旋轉門:前聯邦通信委員會主席阿吉特-派升任無線行業頂級說客 ↑ 12 HN Points 03-28 Revolving Door: Ex FCC Boss Ajit Pai Promoted to Top Wireless Industry Lobbyist (www.techdirt.com)
87. 在建造自動路由器之前,我會告訴自己的事情 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-28 Things I would have told myself before building an autorouter (blog.autorouting.com)
88. 北極海冰在 2025 年創下最高紀錄新低 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-28 Arctic sea ice sets a record low maximum in 2025 (nsidc.org)
89. 為 Futhark 添加新的後端所需的條件 ↑ 6 HN Points 03-24 What it takes to add a new back end to Futhark (futhark-lang.org)
90. 關於微軟鼠標設備附帶的 USB 轉 PS/2 鼠標適配器的說明 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-28 A note on the USB-to-PS/2 mouse adapter that came with Microsoft mouse devices (devblogs.microsoft.com)
92. 關於史密森尼學會的行政命令針對資助具有 "不當意識形態 "的項目 ↑ 22 HN Points 03-28 Executive order on Smithsonian targets funding programs with ''improper ideology'' (apnews.com)
96. 從零開始用 Go 編寫 HTTP 服務器:第二部分 ↑ 6 HN Points 03-28 Writing an HTTP Server in Go from Scratch: Part 2 (www.krayorn.com)
97. Emacs Solo:系統製作者的驚喜現場演示 ↑ 8 HN Points 03-28 Emacs Solo: A Surprise System Crafters Live Demo (www.rahuljuliato.com)
99. 人類經濟指數:克勞德 3.7 首十四行詩的啟示 ↑ 23 HN Points 03-28 Anthropic Economic Index: Insights from Claude 3.7 Sonnet (www.anthropic.com)
100. 提出好問題比給出好答案更難 ↑ 11 HN Points 03-28 Asking Good Questions Is Harder Than Giving Great Answers (newsletter.dancohen.org)
102. 我是如何打敗新西蘭一家主要服務提供商的 ↑ 10 HN Points 03-25 How I pwned a major New Zealand service provider (mrbruh.com)
103. 我真的不明白為什麼有些人仍然看好法律碩士。 ↑ 39 HN Points 03-28 I genuinely don''t understand why some people are still bullish about LLMs (twitter.com)
105. 把這種待命輪換推得一乾二淨 ↑ 8 HN Points 03-28 Take this on-call rotation and shove it (www.scottsmitelli.com)
106. Revyl (YC F24) 正在招聘一名前端工程師實習生 HN Link #Job 03-28 Revyl (YC F24) Is Hiring a Front End Engineer Intern (www.ycombinator.com)
109. LeetCode 叛亂的領導者:羅伊-李訪談錄 ↑ 18 HN Points 03-28 The Leader of the LeetCode Rebellion: An Interview with Roy Lee (thepennpost.com)
110. Show HN: Dish:用 Go 編寫的輕量級 HTTP 和 TCP 套接字監控工具 ↑ 5 HN Points #Show HN 03-28 Dish: A lightweight HTTP and TCP socket monitoring tool written in Go (github.com)
111. 如何使用 Em 破折號 (-)、En 破折號 (-) 和連字符 (-) ↑ 25 HN Points 03-28 How to Use Em Dashes (–), En Dashes (–), and Hyphens (-) (www.merriam-webster.com)
112. HDMI 暢想:YCbCr 顏色子採樣、杜比視界 MEL/FEL 和 5V 注入 ↑ 6 HN Points 03-28 HDMI Musings: YCbCr color subsampling, Dolby Vision MEL/FEL, and and5V injection (archimago.blogspot.com)
114. 禁書:亞馬遜網站上的審查分析 ↑ 7 HN Points 03-28 Banned Books: Analysis of Censorship on Amazon.com (citizenlab.ca)
115. SignalGate 使 Signal 在美國的下載量達到歷史最高水平 ↑ 35 HN Points 03-28 SignalGate Is Driving the Most US Downloads of Signal Ever (www.wired.com)
117. Show HN: Xorq - 開源的 Python 優先 Pandas 風格管道 ↑ 8 HN Points #Show HN 03-28 Xorq – open-source Python-first Pandas-style pipelines (github.com)
118. 人工智能模型漏診黑人和女性患者的疾病 ↑ 46 HN Points 03-28 AI models miss disease in Black and female patients (www.science.org)
119. Clean,Lean4 中 ZK 電路的形式化驗證 DSL ↑ 12 HN Points 03-28 Clean, a formal verification DSL for ZK circuits in Lean4 (blog.zksecurity.xyz)
120. 一種可放心構建併發軟件的語言 ↑ 6 HN Points 03-28 A language for building concurrent software with confidence (github.com)
122. 去原子化是幸福的秘訣(2022年) ↑ 3 HN Points 03-28 De-Atomization is the Secret to Happiness (2022) (blog.nateliason.com)
123. 無參數 KV 緩存壓縮,實現高內存效率的長上下文 LLM ↑ 9 HN Points 03-28 Parameter-Free KV Cache Compression for Memory-Efficient Long-Context LLMs (arxiv.org)
124. B-2 精神隱形轟炸機開始秘密部署到迪戈加西亞島 ↑ 11 HN Points 03-28 B-2 Spirit Stealth Bombers Begin Unannounced Deployment to Diego Garcia (theaviationist.com)
125. Coroutines 的哲學 (2023) ↑ 9 HN Points 03-28 Philosophy of Coroutines (2023) (www.chiark.greenend.org.uk)
127. Show HN: 考驗邏輯思維的高難度遊戲 ↑ 8 HN Points #Show HN 03-24 A difficult game to test your logic (rvlabs.ca)
128. 加州法案旨在逐步淘汰學校中有害的超加工食品 ↑ 6 HN Points 03-28 California bill aims to phase out harmful ultra-processed foods in schools (www.thenewlede.org)
130. 追蹤大型語言模型的思路 ↑ 25 HN Points 03-28 Tracing the thoughts of a large language model (www.anthropic.com)
131. OpenAI 新模式的 Vibe 營銷提示 ↑ 6 HN Points 03-28 Vibe marketing prompts for OpenAI''s new model (www.indiehackers.com)
132. 從第一原理出發構建現代持久執行引擎 ↑ 10 HN Points 03-27 Building a modern durable execution engine from first principles (restate.dev)
133. 除非政治家懼怕現狀,否則富裕不會發生 ↑ 6 HN Points 03-28 Abundance Isn''t Going to Happen Unless Politicians Are Scared of the Status Quo (inpractice.yimbyaction.org)
134. Replit (YC W18) 正在招聘自動化編碼工程師 HN Link #Job 03-28 Replit (YC W18) Is Hiring Engineers to Automate Coding (replit.com)
135. 縮放偏差:視頻會議中 "尖銳 "聲音的社會成本 ↑ 34 HN Points 03-28 Zoom bias: The social costs of having a ''tinny'' sound during video conferences (phys.org)
136. 忽略不需要的 Terraform 屬性更改 ↑ 8 HN Points 03-24 Ignoring unwanted Terraform attribute changes (blog.mattsbit.co.uk)
137. 人們說,相比人工智能,他們更喜歡人類編寫的故事,但研究卻不這麼認為 ↑ 6 HN Points 03-28 People say they prefer stories written by humans over AI, study says otherwise (theconversation.com)
138. 美國醫學協會如何坑害醫生 ↑ 7 HN Points 03-27 How the American Medical Association Screws Doctors (www.thebignewsletter.com)
140. 海因茨-尼克斯多夫博物館論壇的特別之年 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-27 A Special Year at the Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum (www.computer.org)
141. 通過幹細胞注射使癱瘓男子站立起來的首例試驗 ↑ 15 HN Points 03-25 First-of-its-kind trial enables paralysed man to stand via stem cell injection (www.nature.com)
142. Show HN: StoffelVM - 用於多方計算的 WIP 虛擬機 ↑ 4 HN Points #Show HN 03-27 StoffelVM – A WIP VM for Multiparty Computation (github.com)
143. Launch HN: 繼續 (YC S23) - 創建自定義人工智能代碼助手 ↑ 11 HN Points 03-27 Continue (YC S23) – Create custom AI code assistants (hub.continue.dev)
144. 泥漿、水和木材:讓一座擁有 1604 年曆史的城市保持活力的系統 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-27 Mud, water and wood: The system that kept a 1604-year-old city afloat (www.bbc.com)
145. 柏拉圖野獸的管風琴師(2022 年) ↑ 3 HN Points 03-25 Plato: Organist to the Beasts (2022) (www.willbuckingham.com)
147. Netlify 部署了數十萬個 Next.js 網站--以下是具有挑戰性的內容 ↑ 21 HN Points 03-27 Netlify deploys hundreds of thousands of Next.js sites – here''s what challenging (www.netlify.com)
148. 艾倫-圖靈研究所出了什麼問題? ↑ 19 HN Points 03-27 What went wrong with the Alan Turing Institute? (www.chalmermagne.com)
149. 龍與地下城》等奇幻遊戲是治療美國孤獨症的良藥嗎? ↑ 14 HN Points 03-24 Are fantasy games like Dungeons and Dragons a cure for US''s loneliness epidemic? (www.businessinsider.com)
151. 一位電影製片人和一位奸詐律師打破了丹麥的自我形象 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-27 A filmmaker and a crooked lawyer shattered Denmark''s self-image (www.theguardian.com)
152. 爆破 WebP - 對 NSO BLASTPASS iMessage 漏洞利用的分析 ↑ 15 HN Points 03-27 Blasting Past WebP - An analysis of the NSO BLASTPASS iMessage exploit (googleprojectzero.blogspot.com)
157. Craniometrix (YC W22) 正在招聘 HN Link #Job 03-27 Craniometrix (YC W22) Is Hiring (www.ycombinator.com)
158. 為什麼 Anthropic 的克勞德仍未打敗《神奇寶貝 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-24 Why Anthropic''s Claude still hasn''t beaten Pokémon (arstechnica.com)
161. 他們可能是巨人》洪水 EPK 宣傳片(1990 年)[視頻] ↑ 9 HN Points 03-27 They Might Be Giants Flood EPK Promo (1990) [video] (www.youtube.com)
163. 美國最孤獨的人(和地方 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-25 The loneliest people (and places) in America (www.washingtonpost.com)
165. 安達盧西亞利益集團的社交媒體傳播 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-25 The social media communication of Andalusian interest groups (www.frontiersin.org)
166. Supabase (YC S20) 正在招聘一名高級認證工程師(遠程) HN Link #Job 03-27 Supabase (YC S20) Is Hiring a Senior Auth Engineer (Remote) (jobs.ashbyhq.com)
167. 科學家發現新的重金屬分子 "Berkelocene ↑ 7 HN Points 03-24 Scientists Discover New Heavy-Metal Molecule ''Berkelocene'' (newscenter.lbl.gov)
170. 揭開喜馬拉雅山上空神秘 "紅色精靈 "閃電的面紗 ↑ 7 HN Points 03-24 Unveiling the mysterious ''red sprite'' lightning strikes over the Himalayas (phys.org)
174. 人工智能揭示薄膜樹枝狀生長的秘密 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-25 AI Reveals Secrets of Dendritic Growth in Thin Films (www.tus.ac.jp)
176. 歐盟為公共部門創建基於 Fedora 的 Linux 發行版 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-27 Europen Union creates Fedora-based Linux distribution for the public sector (www.linuxjournal.com)
178. 戰爭故事:我調試過的最難的錯誤 ↑ 9 HN Points 03-24 War story: the hardest bug I ever debugged (www.clientserver.dev)
179. DJ With Apple Music 推出,用戶可自行混音 ↑ 15 HN Points 03-27 DJ With Apple Music launches to enable subscribers to mix their own sets (www.musicweek.com)
180. 聯邦政府扣留塔夫茨大學留學生 ↑ 25 HN Points 03-27 Federal Government Detains International Student at Tufts (www.nytimes.com)
181. Cregit-Linux:代碼如何進入內核 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-23 Cregit-Linux: how code gets into the kernel (cregit.linuxsources.org)
183. Blender 發佈奧斯卡獲獎版本工具 ↑ 24 HN Points 03-27 Blender releases their Oscar winning version tool (www.blender.org)
184. 中國能源轉型與太陽能過剩和廉價電力的矛盾 ↑ 15 HN Points 03-25 China''s Energy Transition at Odds with Solar Glut, Cheap Power (www.bloomberg.com)
185. 不要相信蘋果關於 AirPods Max 將獲得無損音頻的炒作 ↑ 34 HN Points 03-25 Don''t Buy into Apple''s Hype About AirPods Max Gaining Lossless Audio (www.macrumors.com)
186. NotaGen:符號音樂生成 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-23 NotaGen: Symbolic Music Generation (electricalexis.github.io)
187. 從零開始構建 Linux 容器運行時 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-27 Building a Linux Container Runtime from Scratch (edera.dev)
188. 行駛 5000 萬英里後,Waymos 比人類駕駛員更少撞車 ↑ 14 HN Points 03-27 After 50 million miles, Waymos crash a lot less than human drivers (www.understandingai.org)
189. 甲骨文客戶確認在所謂雲計算漏洞中被盜的數據有效 ↑ 30 HN Points 03-27 Oracle customers confirm data stolen in alleged cloud breach is valid (www.bleepingcomputer.com)
190. 歐盟告訴公民,在發生災難或襲擊時儲備 72 小時的物資 ↑ 36 HN Points 03-27 Stockpile 72 hours of supplies in case of disaster or attack, EU tells citizens (www.theguardian.com)
191. 用 JavaScript 編寫微小的撤消/重做棧 ↑ 7 HN Points 03-24 Writing a tiny undo/redo stack in JavaScript (blog.julik.nl)
192. 構建一個由 Firecracker 驅動的課程平臺來學習 Docker 和 Kubernetes ↑ 6 HN Points 03-27 Building a Firecracker-Powered Course Platform to Learn Docker and Kubernetes (iximiuz.com)
194. 陶:利用測試時間計算訓練無標記數據的高效 LLMs ↑ 3 HN Points 03-27 Tao: Using test-time compute to train efficient LLMs without labeled data (www.databricks.com)
195. 谷歌將 Android 開發私有化,並將繼續發佈開源版本 ↑ 32 HN Points 03-27 Google makes Android development private, will continue open source releases (arstechnica.com)
197. 探索 Ruby Ractors - 我花錢買了 10 個核心,我就要用 10 個核心 ↑ 13 HN Points 03-24 Exploring Ruby Ractors – I paid for for 10 cores I''m gonna use 10 cores (jpterry.com)
198. 加拿大與美國之間的航空需求驟減,降幅超過 70 ↑ 19 HN Points 03-27 Airline Demand Between Canada and United States Collapses, Down 70% (onemileatatime.com)
199. OpenAI 為代理 SDK 添加 MCP 支持 ↑ 14 HN Points 03-27 OpenAI adds MCP support to Agents SDK (openai.github.io)
200. 在故宮博物院發現用反向外殼感染本地軟件包的惡意軟件 ↑ 13 HN Points 03-27 Malware found on NPM infecting local package with reverse shell (www.reversinglabs.com)
201. 博茨瓦納成功發射首顆衛星 Botsat-1 ↑ 9 HN Points 03-27 Botswana Successfully Launches First Satellite, Botsat-1 (spaceinafrica.com)
203. 谷歌將從下週起閉門開發安卓操作系統 ↑ 10 HN Points 03-27 Google will develop Android OS behind closed doors starting next week (9to5google.com)
204. 最高法院受理 80 億美元農村地區電話和互聯網補貼案 ↑ 13 HN Points 03-27 Supreme Court takes up 8B phone and internet subsidy for rural areas (apnews.com)
205. 再見,核心類型;你好,我們熟悉並喜愛的圍棋 ↑ 22 HN Points 03-27 Good-bye core types; Hello Go as we know and love it (go.dev)
208. 禪宗首席架構師邁克-克拉克訪談錄 ↑ 58 HN Points 03-25 An Interview with Zen Chief Architect Mike Clark (www.computerenhance.com)
209. 利用箭頭-rs 進行快速列式 JSON 解碼 ↑ 30 HN Points 03-24 Fast columnar JSON decoding with arrow-rs (www.arroyo.dev)
212. 天真的 "科學迷因進口鈈而面臨牢獄之災 ↑ 37 HN Points 03-23 ''Naive'' science fan faces jail for plutonium import (au.news.yahoo.com)
213. 非官方 Windows 7 Service Pack 2 ↑ 167 HN Points 03-22 Unofficial Windows 7 Service Pack 2 (github.com)
214. StarVector:從圖像和文本生成可擴展的矢量圖形代碼 ↑ 47 HN Points 03-22 StarVector: Generating Scalable Vector Graphics Code from Images and Text (starvector.github.io)
215. 在線調查中的一個小故障將 "是 "字替換成了 "叉 "字 ↑ 46 HN Points 03-22 A glitch in an online survey replaced the word ''yes'' with ''forks'' (www.pewresearch.org)
216. 谷歌兩年狂追 OpenAI ↑ 11 HN Points 03-21 Google’s two-year frenzy to catch up with OpenAI (www.wired.com)
217. 火狐瀏覽器終於(重新)增加了對網絡應用程序的支持 ↑ 8 HN Points 03-27 Firefox Is Finally (Re)Adding Support for Web Apps (www.omgubuntu.co.uk)
218. Debian 書蟲實時圖像現在可以重現了 ↑ 27 HN Points 03-27 Debian bookworm live images now reproducible (lwn.net)
222. 微軟研究:人工智能讓人類認知 "萎靡不振、毫無準備" ↑ 16 HN Points 03-27 Microsoft Study: AI Makes Human Cognition "Atrophied and Unprepared" (www.404media.co)
223. 基洛代碼加速運行開源人工智能編碼 ↑ 9 HN Points 03-27 Kilo Code: Speedrunning open source coding AI (blog.kilocode.ai)
224. Weave (YC W25) 正在招聘一名創始產品工程師 HN Link #Job 03-27 Weave (YC W25) is hiring a founding product engineer (www.ycombinator.com)
225. Linux 內核 6.14 在性能和 Windows 兼容性方面實現了巨大飛躍 ↑ 44 HN Points 03-26 Linux kernel 6.14 is a big leap forward in performance and Windows compatibility (www.zdnet.com)
227. Ratomic:為 Ruby 的 Ractors 提供可變數據結構 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-23 Ratomic: Provides Mutable data structures for use with Ruby''s Ractors (github.com)
228. Ask HN: 華盛頓郵報》說 Signal 不安全,這種說法正確嗎? ↑ 11 HN Points #Ask HN 03-26 Is Washington Post correct in saying Signal is unsecure? (news.ycombinator.com)
229. 人工智能將改變世界,但不是你想象的那樣 ↑ 37 HN Points 03-26 AI will change the world but not in the way you think (thomashunter.name)
231. 發現一百萬年前的人臉殘片 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-24 Fragment of a human face aged over one million years discovered (www.sciencedaily.com)
232. Show HN: CNCF 中的新代理人工智能框架 ↑ 4 HN Points #Show HN 03-26 New Agentic AI Framework in CNCF (github.com)
233. Hyperlight WASM:快速、安全、無操作系統 ↑ 23 HN Points 03-26 Hyperlight WASM: Fast, secure, and OS-free (opensource.microsoft.com)
234. 四人幫錯了,你不瞭解代表團(2012 年) ↑ 5 HN Points 03-26 The Gang of Four is wrong and you don''t understand delegation (2012) (www.saturnflyer.com)
235. SplitQuantV2:在沒有 GPU 的情況下增強低位量化 LLM ↑ 6 HN Points 03-26 SplitQuantV2: Enhancing Low-Bit Quantization of LLMs Without GPUs (arxiv.org)
236. 開發人員技能在代理編碼中的作用 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-26 The role of developer skills in agentic coding (martinfowler.com)
239. 加州期待已久的朋友化合物法律 ↑ 15 HN Points 03-26 The long-awaited Friend Compound laws in California (supernuclear.substack.com)
240. 在選擇 Next.js 之前,您應該瞭解這一點 ↑ 11 HN Points 03-26 You should know this before choosing Next.js (eduardoboucas.com)
242. Pi Pico Rx--數字時代的水晶收音機? ↑ 7 HN Points 03-23 Pi Pico Rx – A crystal radio for the digital age? (101-things.readthedocs.io)
243. Show HN: Cocommit - git 提交的輔助工具 ↑ 5 HN Points #Show HN 03-24 Cocommit – A copilot for git commit (github.com)
244. 為了人工智能,我退出了谷歌搜索--我不會再回去了 ↑ 30 HN Points 03-26 I Quit Google Search for AI–and I''m Not Going Back (www.wsj.com)
245. 中國黑客正變得更大、更好、更隱蔽 ↑ 6 HN Points 03-26 Chinese hacking is becoming bigger, better and stealthier (www.economist.com)
247. 記錄顯示,DOGE 工作人員 "大球 "為網絡犯罪團伙提供技術支持 ↑ 34 HN Points 03-26 DOGE staffer,''Big Balls'', provided tech support to cybercrime ring, records show (www.reuters.com)
248. 如何在美國邊境保護您的手機和數據隱私 ↑ 8 HN Points 03-26 How to protect your phone and data privacy at the US border (www.theguardian.com)
249. 瞭解 Linux 和 Kubernetes 上的 DNS 解析 ↑ 24 HN Points 03-23 Understanding DNS Resolution on Linux and Kubernetes (jpetazzo.github.io)
251. 雙子座 2.5 Pro 提出任務可行性的理由 ↑ 21 HN Points 03-26 Gemini 2.5 Pro reasons about task feasibility (everything.intellectronica.net)
254. 行走的廣告牌舊金山最知名手袋的歷史 ↑ 9 HN Points 03-25 ''A walking billboard'': The history of San Francisco''s most recognizable bag (www.sfgate.com)
256. Ask HN: 人工智能能幫您省錢嗎? ↑ 3 HN Points #Ask HN 03-26 Are there any money-saving hacks that AI can assist you with? (news.ycombinator.com)
259. 用 Elixir 協調超級彩虹的視覺保真度 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-26 Coordinating the Superbowl''s visual fidelity with Elixir (elixir-lang.org)
260. 英特爾 RealSense 立體深度攝像頭 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-23 Intel RealSense Stereo Depth Cameras (www.intelrealsense.com)
261. 如何正確使用 en-dash 和 em-dash? ↑ 5 HN Points 03-23 How to use an en-dash and em-dash correctly? (BrE) (www.lighthouseproofreading.co.uk)
262. 五分之二的技術人員因工作場所政策不靈活而辭職 ↑ 7 HN Points 03-26 2 in 5 techies quit over inflexible workplace policies (www.theregister.com)
263. 擁有超配家庭實驗室的超現實喜悅 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-26 The surreal joy of having an overprovisioned homelab (xeiaso.net)
265. 持有綠卡的德國電氣工程師被剝奪綠卡並遭到 "暴力審訊 ↑ 31 HN Points 03-26 German electrical engineer with green card stripped and ''violently interrogated'' (www.theguardian.com)
266. 中情局局長披露在中情局計算機上安裝了信號軟件 ↑ 41 HN Points 03-26 CIA Director Reveals Signal Comes Installed on Agency Computers (theintercept.com)
267. OpenSMTPD 和 Maildrop 協同工作 ↑ 3 HN Points 03-26 OpenSMTPD and Maildrop working in concert (blog.whenhen.com)
268. 關於 x86/X64 以外非 DOS/Unix 開放源碼操作系統的建議 ↑ 9 HN Points #Ask HN 03-23 Recommendation for non-DOS/Unix open source OS outside x86/X64 (news.ycombinator.com)
269. 聲稱 "大流行病已經結束",美國國立衛生研究院(NIH)研究所開始削減 Covid-19 研究項目 ↑ 13 HN Points 03-26 Saying ''pandemic is over,'' NIH institute starts cutting Covid-19 research (www.science.org)
272. Show HN: 一個分享城市空間 "好、壞和為什麼 "的網站 ↑ 3 HN Points #Show HN 03-25 A website for sharing the "Good, Bad, and Why"s of urban spaces (dedede.de)
276. Simonw/Ollama-models-atom-feed ↑ 8 HN Points 03-23 Simonw/Ollama-models-atom-feed (simonwillison.net)
277. 開發人員稱人工智能爬蟲主導流量,迫使整個國家受阻 ↑ 17 HN Points 03-26 Devs say AI crawlers dominate traffic, forcing blocks on entire countries (arstechnica.com)
278. 大多數瑞典人對抵制美國產品持開放態度 ↑ 14 HN Points 03-26 A majority of Swedes are open to boycotting American products (www.lunduniversity.lu.se)
279. 利用元梯度下降優化 ML 訓練 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-26 Optimizing ML Training with Metagradient Descent (arxiv.org)
280. Ruby、Ractors 和無鎖數據結構 ↑ 6 HN Points 03-23 Ruby, Ractors, and Lock-Free Data Structures (iliabylich.github.io)
282. 羅伯特-弗羅斯特到底算不算一個好詩人? ↑ 6 HN Points 03-25 Is Robert Frost Even a Good Poet? (www.theparisreview.org)
284. AMC 影院將放映一部由人工智能 "視覺配音 "的瑞典電影 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-23 AMC Theatres will screen a Swedish movie ''visually dubbed'' with the help of AI (www.engadget.com)
285. 科學家揭示芝加哥大小的冰山隱藏著古老的生態系統 ↑ 4 HN Points 03-23 Chicago-Sized Iceberg Hid Ancient Ecosystem, Scientists Reveal (gizmodo.com)
286. Hacker News 排名最高的個人博客 ↑ 14 HN Points 03-26 The highest-ranking personal blogs of Hacker News (refactoringenglish.com)
287. 人工智能機器人正在摧毀開放獲取 ↑ 23 HN Points 03-26 AI bots are destroying Open Access (go-to-hellman.blogspot.com)
288. Show HN: 從公共倉庫生成文檔 ↑ 11 HN Points #Show HN 03-25 Generate docs from your public repos (app.docs.dev)
289. 微軟的許多展望讓用戶感到困惑,包括微軟自己的員工 ↑ 13 HN Points 03-26 Microsoft''s many Outlooks are confusing users – including its own employees (www.theregister.com)
290. 在監獄裡沒有律師:得克薩斯州的一個小鎮如何辜負貧困被告 ↑ 13 HN Points 03-26 In Jail Without a Lawyer: How a Texas Town Fails Poor Defendants (www.nytimes.com)
291. 科學家利用一種簡單、廉價的催化劑和空氣分解塑料 ↑ 13 HN Points 03-22 Scientists break down plastic using a simple, inexpensive catalyst and air (phys.org)
292. 在宇宙中傳播生命的倫理學 ↑ 8 HN Points 03-26 The Ethics of Spreading Life in the Cosmos (www.centauri-dreams.org)
293. 我在 GitHub Actions 中運行的是誰的代碼? ↑ 8 HN Points 03-26 Whose code am I running in GitHub Actions? (alexwlchan.net)
294. Show HN: Feudle--人工智能每日益智遊戲 ↑ 8 HN Points #Show HN 03-25 Feudle – a daily puzzle game built with AI (feudlegame.com)
295. 美國國家安全領導人與我群聊 ↑ 1.1K HN Points 03-25 U.S. national-security leaders included me in a group chat (www.theatlantic.com)
296. Show HN: Fingernotes - 手寫筆記,可成為自己的預覽圖像 ↑ 5 HN Points #Show HN 03-23 Fingernotes – handwritten notes which become their own preview image (fingernotes.com)
297. 通過 LLM 表徵解密人腦的語言處理過程 ↑ 14 HN Points 03-22 Deciphering language processing in the human brain through LLM representations (research.google)
298. 報告稱,近一半加拿大人完全切斷了有線電視服務 ↑ 5 HN Points 03-26 Nearly half of Canadians have cut cable entirely: report (mobilesyrup.com)
300. 也許有一萬個理由懷疑甲骨文雲否認安全漏洞 ↑ 21 HN Points 03-26 There are perhaps 10k reasons to doubt Oracle Cloud''s security breach denial (www.theregister.com)