1. 剖析 "微云 "shadertoy(2017 年) ↑ 3 HN Points 01-19 Dissecting "Tiny Clouds" shadertoy (2017) (blog.demofox.org)
3. 利斯科夫替代法继承的真正含义 ↑ 8 HN Points 01-21 Liskov Substitution: The Real Meaning of Inheritance (cekrem.github.io)
5. 浑源 3D 2.0 - 生成高分辨率 3D 资产 ↑ 4 HN Points 06:42 Hunyuan3D 2.0 – High-Resolution 3D Assets Generation (github.com)
7. 城堡游戏引擎:网络目标 - 取得重大进展,首批 3 个演示版可供试用 ↑ 3 HN Points 01-20 Castle Game Engine: Web target – big progress, first 3 demos to try (castle-engine.io)
9. HyperDX (YC S22) 正在招聘工程师,以构建开源可观测性 HN Link #Job 05:01 HyperDX (YC S22) is hiring engineers to build open source observability (www.ycombinator.com)
11. Sigstore:确保您的软件如其所言 ↑ 12 HN Points 04:34 Sigstore: Making sure your software is what it claims to be (www.sigstore.dev)
12. JReleaser:快速、轻松发布项目的方法 ↑ 7 HN Points 04:33 JReleaser: quick and effortless way to release your project (jreleaser.org)
13. Show HN: 浏览器中的潜艇战斗游戏 ↑ 7 HN Points #Show HN 02:24 A submarine combat game in the browser (bearingsonly.net)
15. 法律硕士展现行为自觉 [pdf] ↑ 5 HN Points 04:29 LLMs Demonstrate Behavioral Self-Awareness [pdf] (martins1612.github.io)
16. Ask HN: 有人在用微小语言模型做很酷的事情吗? ↑ 7 HN Points #Ask HN 03:39 Is anyone doing anything cool with tiny language models? (news.ycombinator.com)
17. 为什么人工智能让我想起云计算 ↑ 2 HN Points 03:14 Why AI reminds me of cloud computing (bitmasonsllc.blogspot.com)
19. 拉斐尔-阿劳霍的 20 幅令人着迷的几何杰作(2024 年) ↑ 10 HN Points 02:24 Rafael Araujo''s 20 Mesmerizing Geometrical Masterpieces (2024) (abakcus.com)
21. 为什么 regexes 使用 和 作为行锚?(2024) ↑ 21 HN Points 02:12 Why do regexes use and as line anchors? (2024) (buttondown.com)
22. 麻省理工学院推出新型机器人昆虫,为机器人授粉员的崛起铺平道路 ↑ 8 HN Points 02:12 MIT Unveils New Robot Insect, Paving the Way Toward Rise of Robotic Pollinators (thedebrief.org)
23. Lisp 的优势如何促进复杂而灵活的应用(2016 年) ↑ 14 HN Points 01:54 How the strengths of Lisp facilitate complex and flexible applications (2016) (pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
24. 在 Docker 上部署 Rails:卡迈勒替代方案 ↑ 6 HN Points 01:32 Deploying Rails on Docker: Kamal Alternative (impactahead.com)
25. 奔腾中有趣的 BiCMOS 电路,逆向工程 ↑ 8 HN Points 01:23 Interesting BiCMOS circuits in the Pentium, reverse-engineered (www.righto.com)
26. Show HN: SudokuVariants - 玩和构建不同的数独变体 ↑ 6 HN Points #Show HN 00:49 SudokuVariants – play and construct different variants of Sudoku (sudokuvariants.com)
28. 概念细胞帮助大脑抽象信息和建立记忆 ↑ 7 HN Points 00:20 Concept Cells Help Your Brain Abstract Information and Build Memories (www.quantamagazine.org)
29. 不要再像一家获得投资的初创企业那样,在自筹资金的情况下肆意妄为了 ↑ 6 HN Points 01-21 Stop making moves like a funded startup when you''re bootstrapped (www.theinsightpad.com)
30. Show HN: 产品不相互竞争的 Product Hunt 替代方案 ↑ 3 HN Points #Show HN 01-21 A Product Hunt alternative where products DON''T compete with each other (saascurate.com)
31. 冷静技术认证 "奖励 "干扰较少的技术 ↑ 15 HN Points 01-21 Calm Tech Certification "Rewards" Less Distracting Tech (spectrum.ieee.org)
32. 日本最初的整理大师(不,不是那个) ↑ 14 HN Points 01-18 Japan''s original decluttering guru (no, not that one) (www.nytimes.com)
34. Show HN: 我做了一个应用程序,它使用 NFC 作为物理开关来屏蔽干扰信号 ↑ 18 HN Points #Show HN 00:52 I made a app that uses NFC as a physical switch to block distractions (www.foqos.app)
35. 地球磁场北极正在移动,科学家刚刚更新了它的位置 ↑ 3 HN Points 00:47 Earth''s magnetic North Pole is on the move, scientists just updated its position (www.cnn.com)
36. Motion (YC W20) 正在招聘电磁工程师和工程师 HN Link #Job 01:01 Motion (YC W20) Is Hiring EMs and Engineers (jobs.ashbyhq.com)
37. 为 LLM 优化 Jupyter 笔记本 ↑ 12 HN Points 01-18 Optimizing Jupyter Notebooks for LLMs (www.alexmolas.com)
39. 您可以同时安装多少个阿尔派软件包? (2024) ↑ 13 HN Points 01-21 How many Alpine packages can you install at once? (2024) (www.naff.dev)
40. 我们是否应该利用人工智能和法学硕士来进行基督教申辩? ↑ 39 HN Points 01-21 Should We Use AI and LLMs for Christian Apologetics? (lukeplant.me.uk)
41. Show HN: Pica - 基于 Rust 的代理人工智能基础设施(开源) ↑ 18 HN Points #Show HN 01-21 Pica – Rust-based agentic AI infrastructure (open-source) (www.picaos.com)
42. 质数如此令人难忘,以至于人们都在寻找它们 ↑ 9 HN Points 01-18 Prime Numbers So Memorable That People Hunt for Them (www.scientificamerican.com)
43. 0click 针对 Signal、Discord 和其他平台的去匿名化攻击 ↑ 7 HN Points 01-21 0click deanonymization attack targeting Signal, Discord and other platforms (gist.github.com)
44. 人工智能创始人的惨痛教训第 2 章 - 没有权力 ↑ 11 HN Points 01-19 AI Founder''s Bitter Lesson. Chapter 2 – No Power (lukaspetersson.com)
45. 元认知懒惰:生成式人工智能对学习动机的影响 ↑ 47 HN Points 01-21 Metacognitive laziness: Effects of generative AI on learning motivation (bera-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com)
46. Ask HN: 在没有 Facebook 的情况下组织当地社区? ↑ 31 HN Points #Ask HN 01-21 Organize local communities without Facebook? (news.ycombinator.com)
47. 这是一场噩梦":快递员对控制其工作的算法感到困惑 ↑ 19 HN Points 01-21 ''It''s a nightmare'': couriers mystified by the algorithms that control their jobs (www.theguardian.com)
48. Show HN: Amurex - 开源人工智能会议副驾驶员 ↑ 4 HN Points #Show HN 01-21 Amurex – An open source AI meeting copilot (sansyrox.github.io)
49. Show HN: Printercow - 将任何热敏打印机变成应用程序接口端点 ↑ 9 HN Points #Show HN 01-21 Printercow – Turn any thermal printer into an API endpoint (www.printercow.com)
50. 在软件论坛晚宴上的发言(1997 年) ↑ 4 HN Points 01-18 Remarks to Software Forum Dinner Meeting (1997) (www.klhess.com)
51. 桑纳夏-曼特尔-德布勒乌三十年后的研究成果 ↑ 4 HN Points 01-19 The Sonnenschein-Mantel-Debreu Results After Thirty Years (citeseerx.ist.psu.edu)
52. 人们不善于报告自己吃了什么。这是饮食研究的一个问题 ↑ 3 HN Points 01-21 People are bad at reporting what they eat. That''s a problem for dietary research (www.science.org)
53. 镀金时代的小说有助于解释我们对路易吉-曼乔内的迷恋 ↑ 4 HN Points 01-21 The Gilded Age novel that helps explain our fascination with Luigi Mangione (theconversation.com)
54. 特朗普的科学顾问:他们如何影响他的第二任总统任期 ↑ 11 HN Points 01-21 Trump''s science advisers: how they could influence his second presidency (www.nature.com)
57. 为什么这个 "埃隆是纳齐斯库姆 "的标记被隐藏起来了? ↑ 6 HN Points 01-21 Why is this "Elon is Naziscum" token hidden? (dexscreener.com)
58. Vercel、Netlify 和 Heroku 的开源替代方案 ↑ 4 HN Points 01-21 Open Source Alternative to Vercel, Netlify and Heroku (dokploy.com)
60. 修复 uname 错误(Apache NuttX 实时操作系统) ↑ 4 HN Points 01-19 Fixing a uname bug (Apache NuttX RTOS) (lupyuen.org)
61. 初创企业的冬天创客新闻失去了信心 ↑ 30 HN Points 01-21 Startup Winter: Hacker News Lost Its Faith (www.vincentschmalbach.com)
62. X、Facebook、Instagram 和 YouTube 签署欧盟代码以应对仇恨言论 ↑ 22 HN Points 01-21 X, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube sign EU code to tackle hate speech (www.theverge.com)
64. 古代凯尔特部落的社会中心是妇女 ↑ 4 HN Points 01-21 Ancient Celtic tribe had women at its social center (www.npr.org)
65. Perl 每周第 704 期 - Perl 播客 ↑ 8 HN Points 01-21 Perl Weekly Issue #704 – Perl Podcast (perlweekly.com)
66. 框架疲劳:开发人员对新技术感到愤怒的真正原因 ↑ 12 HN Points 01-21 Framework Fatigue: The Real Reason Developers Get Angry About New Tech (blog.raed.dev)
67. Unlink 与 DEL - 深入探讨 Redis 内部是如何工作的 ↑ 5 HN Points 01-19 Unlink vs. DEL – A deep dive into how it works internally in Redis (www.pankajtanwar.in)
68. 关于计划在即将到来的 2025 年世界电视论坛(FOSDEM)期间举行抗议活动的声明 ↑ 14 HN Points 01-21 Statement on planned protests during the upcoming FOSDEM 2025 (fosdem.org)
70. Kimi K1.5:利用 LLM 扩展强化学习 ↑ 14 HN Points 01-21 Kimi K1.5: Scaling Reinforcement Learning with LLMs (github.com)
72. OpenAI FrontierMath 失败的一些教训 ↑ 4 HN Points 01-21 Some Lessons from the OpenAI FrontierMath Debacle (www.lesswrong.com)
74. 摄政时期的性教育:19 世纪欧洲妇女如何了解鸟类和蜜蜂? ↑ 3 HN Points 01-18 Regency Sex Ed: How did women in 19th C. Europe learn about the birds and bees? (www.historynewsnetwork.org)
75. Ask HN: 我们能承认我们想用人工智能取代工作吗? ↑ 20 HN Points #Ask HN 01-21 Can we just admit we want to replace jobs with AI? (news.ycombinator.com)
76. 研究显示,超过 40% 的博士后离开学术界 ↑ 8 HN Points 01-21 More than 40% of postdocs leave academia, study reveals (www.nature.com)
77. Show HN: CFRS[] 社区演示:使用 6 条命令绘制海龟图案 ↑ 3 HN Points #Show HN 01-21 CFRS[] Community Demos: Patterns with turtle graphics using 6 commands (news.ycombinator.com)
78. AWS 将停止对 AWS App Mesh 的支持 ↑ 10 HN Points 01-19 AWS will discontinue support for AWS App Mesh (aws.amazon.com)
80. 为 1985 年卡西欧 FX-451 计算器制作键盘 [视频] ↑ 14 HN Points 01-18 Building a keyboard for a 1985 Casio FX-451 calculator [video] (www.youtube.com)
82. Show HN: 我利用午餐时间做了一个迷你高尔夫 ↑ 10 HN Points #Show HN 01-18 I made a mini golf in my lunch time (paper-golf.netlify.app)
83. 总统签署命令,75 天内拒绝执行 TikTok 禁令 ↑ 24 HN Points 01-21 President signs order refusing to enforce TikTok ban for 75 days (www.theverge.com)
84. 日本提供免费日托服务以促进东京出生率下降 ↑ 25 HN Points 01-21 Japan Offers Free Daycare to Boost Tokyo''s Falling Birth Rate (www.xatakaon.com)
86. 美国数字服务局更名为数字政府办公室 ↑ 16 HN Points 01-21 United States Digital Service Renamed to DOGE (www.whitehouse.gov)
87. 看起来 Meta 的确是偷了很多书来构建自己的人工智能 ↑ 62 HN Points 01-21 It sure looks like Meta stole a lot of books to build its AI (lithub.com)
89. 使用 Vamp、Chordino 和 FFmpeg 的吉他和弦卡拉 OK (2022) ↑ 47 HN Points 01-17 Guitar chord karaoke with Vamp, Chordino, and FFmpeg (2022) (dylanbeattie.net)
90. 新技术将海水转化为饮用水,无需大量化学品 ↑ 3 HN Points 01-21 New tech turns seawater into drinking water without tons of chemicals (news.umich.edu)
91. 2025 年每日地面气温不容乐观 ↑ 16 HN Points 01-21 2025 Daily Surface Air Temperature Looking Bad (climatereanalyzer.org)
92. Ruff:用 Rust 编写的 Python 内核和代码格式化工具 ↑ 7 HN Points 01-21 Ruff: Python linter and code formatter written in Rust (github.com)
93. Automattic 首席执行官马特-穆伦维格似乎决心摧毁 WordPress ↑ 58 HN Points 01-21 Matt Mullenweg, Automattic''s CEO, Seems Bound and Determined to Wreck WordPress (digitalcxo.com)
94. 4.17亿像素仙女座星系全景图历时十余年制作完成 ↑ 16 HN Points 01-17 417-Megapixel Andromeda Galaxy Panorama Took over a Decade to Make (petapixel.com)
96. 恶意扩展规避谷歌远程代码禁令 ↑ 11 HN Points 01-21 Malicious extensions circumvent Google''s remote code ban (palant.info)
97. 受生物启发的天气响应式自适应遮阳 ↑ 9 HN Points 01-18 Bioinspired weather-responsive adaptive shading (www.uni-stuttgart.de)
98. 从天文学角度看古埃及星钟(2021 年) ↑ 3 HN Points 01-21 An Astronomical View of Ancient Egyptian Star Clocks (2021) (storymaps.arcgis.com)
99. DeepSeek-R1-Distill-Qwen-1.5B 在某些基准测试中超越 GPT-4o ↑ 7 HN Points 01-21 DeepSeek-R1-Distill-Qwen-1.5B Surpasses GPT-4o in certain benchmarks (huggingface.co)
100. Kronotop兼容 Redis、由 FoundationDB 支持的事务性文档存储 ↑ 16 HN Points 01-21 Kronotop: Redis-compatible, transactional document store backed by FoundationDB (github.com)
103. Bambu 实验室--澄清我们的安全更新 ↑ 4 HN Points 01-21 Bambu Lab - Setting the Record Straight About Our Security Update (blog.bambulab.com)
104. 光学菲涅尔区板平面透镜:通过 I 型线步进装置获得彩色光刻胶 ↑ 10 HN Points 01-17 Optical Fresnel zone plate flat lens: colored photoresist through I-line stepper (www.nature.com)
105. 达美航空飞入限制空域后猎鹰 9 号火箭发射被取消 ↑ 5 HN Points 01-21 Falcon 9 Rocket Launch Scrubbed After Delta Air Flies into Restricted Airspace (www.paddleyourownkanoo.com)
106. 作者在人工智能盗版调查中寻求 Meta 的 Torrent 客户端日志和播种数据 ↑ 6 HN Points 01-21 Authors Seek Meta''s Torrent Client Logs and Seeding Data in AI Piracy Probe (torrentfreak.com)
107. 官员警告:含伟哥的 "勃起蜜 "正涌入法国 ↑ 15 HN Points 01-21 Viagra-laced ''erectile honey'' is flooding into France, officials warn (www.politico.eu)
108. Show HN: 使用网络摄像头和手部追踪玩断砖(开源) ↑ 3 HN Points #Show HN 01-17 Play brick breaker using webcam and hand tracking (open source) (collidingscopes.github.io)
111. SRCL:构建具有终端美感的网络应用的开源 React 项目 ↑ 3 HN Points 01-19 SRCL: Open-source React project to build web apps with terminal aesthetics (www.sacred.computer)
114. 逆向工程我的头号黑客新闻文章 ↑ 3 HN Points 01-20 Reverse engineering my #1 Hacker News article (danielwirtz.com)
115. 格陵兰鲨--地球上最长寿的脊椎动物(2017) ↑ 4 HN Points 01-18 The Greenland Shark, the Longest-Living Vertebrate on Earth (2017) (www.newyorker.com)
116. 我(不是)失败者:从六次失败的创业尝试中学到的经验教训 ↑ 18 HN Points 01-21 I Am (Not) a Failure: Lessons Learned from Six Failed Startup Attempts (blog.rongarret.info)
117. 挫折容忍度:大型组织的生存之道 ↑ 11 HN Points 01-21 Frustration Tolerance: An Essential for Surviving Large Orgs (www.leadingsapiens.com)
118. 小生命的宁静叛逆 ↑ 15 HN Points 01-20 The quiet rebellion of a little life (caitlynrichardson.substack.com)
120. Show HN: 用于词汇积累的个性化 Duolingo(类似 ↑ 3 HN Points #Show HN 01-21 Personalized Duolingo (Kind of) for Vocabulary Building (github.com)
121. 立方体上的蛞蝓互动动画 ↑ 3 HN Points 01-17 Slugs on a Cube: An Interactive Animation (blog.gingerbeardman.com)
123. 地表越深,发现的物种越多 ↑ 13 HN Points 01-20 The deeper under the Earth''s surface, the more species you can find (arstechnica.com)
126. 我是彼得-罗伯茨,移民律师,为 YC 和初创企业工作。阿马 ↑ 8 HN Points #Ask HN 01-21 I''m Peter Roberts, immigration attorney, who does work for YC and startups. AMA (news.ycombinator.com)
128. Show HN: 带集成重放功能的比赛计时 ↑ 3 HN Points #Show HN 01-20 Race Timing with Integrated Replay (storytiming.racing)
129. 鳄鱼蛋与兰姆达微积分(2007 年) ↑ 4 HN Points 01-18 Alligator Eggs and Lambda Calculus (2007) (worrydream.com)
130. 本科生的可分性问题从何而来? ↑ 10 HN Points 01-20 Where Do Those Undergraduate Divisibility Problems Come From? (grossack.site)
132. 我在 2025 年用 C 语言编写了一款商业游戏 ↑ 4 HN Points 01-20 I wrote a commercial game in C in 2025 (www.cowleyforniastudios.com)
135. 谷歌为带有恶意软件的克隆自制网站提供赞助链接 ↑ 38 HN Points 01-20 Google serving sponsored link to Homebrew site clone with malware (twitter.com)
137. 一个新颖的 "亲吻和捕获 "事件赋予冥王星最大的卫星--卡戎 ↑ 3 HN Points 01-19 A Novel ''Kiss and Capture'' Event Gave Pluto Its Largest Moon, Charon (www.smithsonianmag.com)
138. 通过 9eSIM SIM 卡在只有实体 SIM 卡插槽的设备上使用 eSIM 卡 ↑ 24 HN Points 01-20 Using eSIMs with devices that only have a physical SIM slot via a 9eSIM SIM car (neilzone.co.uk)
139. systemd 背后的真正动机(2018 年) ↑ 9 HN Points 01-20 The real motivation behind systemd (2018) (unixdigest.com)
141. 荷兰对部分 ASML 芯片工具实施美国出口管制 ↑ 5 HN Points 01-17 Dutch Align with US Export Controls on Some ASML Chip Tools (www.bloomberg.com)
142. CFRS[] 社区演示:使用 6 条命令绘制海龟图形图案 ↑ 4 HN Points 01-20 CFRS[] Community Demos: Patterns drawn with turtle graphics with 6 commands (susam.github.io)
143. Parinfer:更简单的 Lisp 编辑 ↑ 6 HN Points 01-20 Parinfer: Simpler Lisp Editing (shaunlebron.github.io)
144. 设计崇高 Boullée 和 Ledoux 的建筑革命 ↑ 3 HN Points 01-17 Designing the Sublime Boullée and Ledoux''s Architectural Revolution (publicdomainreview.org)
145. TypeScript 枚举:用例和替代方案 ↑ 13 HN Points 01-20 TypeScript enums: use cases and alternatives (2ality.com)
147. 拜占庭-萨珊战争(公元 602-628 年):古代最后一场大战 ↑ 6 HN Points 01-17 Byzantine-Sassanian War (602-628 CE): The Last Great War of Antiquity (www.thecollector.com)
148. 以后再使用 GitHub 动作时,我会三思而后行 ↑ 9 HN Points 01-20 I''ll think twice before using GitHub Actions again (ninkovic.dev)
149. Show HN: 适用于廉价交换机的 Terraform 提供商 ↑ 3 HN Points #Show HN 01-18 Terraform Provider for Inexpensive Switches (github.com)
151. 用增量计算解决细粒度授权问题 ↑ 4 HN Points 01-17 Solving Fine Grained Authorization with Incremental Computation (www.feldera.com)
152. 支持 DRM 功能且可能无法完全访问 "对固态硬盘意味着什么? ↑ 5 HN Points 01-20 What does "supports DRM functions and may not be fully accessible"mean for SSDs? (unix.stackexchange.com)
153. Rhai:Rust 的嵌入式脚本语言 ↑ 7 HN Points 01-17 Rhai: An embedded scripting language for Rust (github.com)
154. 给你的通知,苹果没有丈夫 ↑ 8 HN Points 01-18 A notification for you, Apple: There is no husband (techthings.cmail20.com)
156. CollectWise (YC F24) 正在招聘 HN Link #Job 01-20 CollectWise (YC F24) Is Hiring (www.ycombinator.com)
157. 反向工程 Bambu Connect ↑ 16 HN Points 01-20 Reverse Engineering Bambu Connect (wiki.rossmanngroup.com)
158. 研究表明,野火正在吞噬加州的气候成果 ↑ 7 HN Points 01-20 Wildfires are erasing California''s climate gains, research shows (news.uchicago.edu)
160. 提取 Bambu Connect 的认证 X.509 证书和私钥 ↑ 11 HN Points 01-20 Bambu Connect''s Authentication X.509 Certificate and Private Key Extracted (hackaday.com)
161. Ask HN: 有人通过销售传统的可下载软件赚钱吗? ↑ 8 HN Points #Ask HN 01-20 Is anyone making money selling traditional downloadable software? (news.ycombinator.com)
164. 我安装了热泵,但能源账单却增加了 ↑ 13 HN Points 01-20 I got a heat pump, and my energy bill went up (www.heatpumped.org)
168. 员工因办公桌短缺返回办公室后对亚马逊 "领导层 "不满 ↑ 29 HN Points 01-20 Staffers unload on Amazon ''leadership'' after return-to-office for desk shortage (www.msn.com)
169. 柯蒂斯-亚尔文说民主已经结束。强大的保守派在倾听 ↑ 5 HN Points 01-20 Curtis Yarvin Says Democracy Is Done. Powerful Conservatives Are Listening (www.nytimes.com)
171. OpenAI 资助了 FrontierMath Benchmarks,并获得了这套工具 ↑ 89 HN Points 01-20 OpenAI funded FrontierMath Benchmarks and had access to the set (www.lesswrong.com)
172. 是时候让计算再次个人化了 ↑ 67 HN Points 01-20 It''s time to make computing personal again (www.vintagecomputing.com)
173. 中断如何影响不同的软件工程活动 ↑ 5 HN Points 01-20 How do interruptions impact different software engineering activities (rdel.substack.com)
174. JTAG 在 2023 年 "破解 "原版 Xbox ↑ 3 HN Points 01-17 JTAG ''Hacking'' the Original Xbox in 2023 (blog.ret2.io)
176. 作为日本文字设计和文化使者的筷套 ↑ 3 HN Points 01-16 Chopstick Sleeves as Emissaries of Japanese Typography and Culture (letterformarchive.org)
177. 破解雅马哈 DX9,将其变为 DX7 (2023) ↑ 4 HN Points 01-20 Hacking the Yamaha DX9 to Turn It into a DX7 (2023) (ajxs.me)
179. 物理学家已经证明,一种理想化的磁性形式是耐热的 ↑ 6 HN Points 01-17 Physicists have shown that an idealized form of magnetism is heatproof (www.quantamagazine.org)
180. 部长:发布猫咪视频的 TikTok 用户不会威胁英国国家安全 ↑ 6 HN Points 01-20 TikTok users posting cat videos do not threaten UK national security, minister (www.theguardian.com)
181. 用 RSS 订阅逃离围墙花园和算法黑箱 ↑ 4 HN Points 01-20 Escape the walled garden and algorithm black boxes with RSS feeds (www.johnwalker.nl)
182. 为什么 Git Autocorrect 对一级方程式赛车手来说太快了? ↑ 24 HN Points 01-20 Why is Git Autocorrect too fast for Formula One drivers? (blog.gitbutler.com)
184. 无机材料设计生成模型 ↑ 3 HN Points 01-17 A generative model for inorganic materials design (www.nature.com)
185. 腓尼基古沉船被发现,沉没于 2.6 千年前的西班牙近海 ↑ 12 HN Points 01-17 Ancient Phoenician Shipwreck Recovered, Sank 2.6k Years Ago Off Coast of Spain (www.smithsonianmag.com)
187. 用 Raspberry Pi 为你的家庭实验室打造一个小型 CA ↑ 9 HN Points 01-19 Build a tiny CA for your homelab with a Raspberry Pi (smallstep.com)
188. 通过撒哈拉以南非洲的锶等值线图可追溯奴隶贸易 (2024) ↑ 11 HN Points 01-16 Strontium isoscape of sub-Saharan Africa allows tracing slave trade (2024) (www.nature.com)
189. 在不支持的系统中将 Apple 设备用作门禁卡 ↑ 7 HN Points 01-20 Using your Apple device as an access card in unsupported systems (github.com)
190. 扎克伯格似乎知道拉玛在利伯根接受过训练 ↑ 9 HN Points 01-20 Zuckerberg appeared to know Llama trained on Libgen (www.rollingstone.com)
191. 特朗普发表言论后,TikTok 表示将恢复对美国用户的服务 ↑ 14 HN Points 01-20 TikTok says it is restoring service for U.S. users after Trump comments (www.nbcnews.com)
192. 马克-扎克伯格向游说团体支付 760 万美元以协助禁止 TikTok ↑ 9 HN Points 01-20 Mark Zuckerberg paid lobby7.6M to aid in TikTok ban (readsludge.com)
193. 用 C 或 C 从 UTC 字符串中获取 Unix 时区时间的惊人难度 ↑ 10 HN Points 01-20 The surprising struggle to get a Unix Epoch time from a UTC string in C or C (berthub.eu)
194. TikTok 关闭:数据显示美国访问量下降 85%(替代品激增) ↑ 45 HN Points 01-20 TikTok Shut Down: Data Shows 85% Drop in US Access (and Surge to Alternatives) (blog.cloudflare.com)
195. 东芬兰大学机器人和 ROS2 课程 ↑ 10 HN Points 01-18 Robotics and ROS2 Course by University of Eastern Finland (henkirobotics.com)
196. GauntletAI (YC S17) 会带你飞出去,训练你建造人工智能,并给你 20 万的工作。 HN Link #Job 01-20 GauntletAI (YC S17) will fly you out, train you to build w AI, give you 200k job (gauntletai.com)
197. 联想已从新款 ThinkPad 笔记本电脑中移除标志性的 TrackPoint 凸点 ↑ 30 HN Points 01-20 Lenovo has removed its iconic TrackPoint nub from new ThinkPad laptops (www.pcworld.com)
199. 罗马钱币揭示的制造者信息 ↑ 7 HN Points 01-16 What Roman Coins Reveal About the People Who Made Them (lithub.com)
200. 关于 Linux 网络(Socket)编程综合指南 ↑ 4 HN Points 01-19 About A comprehensive guide for Linux Network (Socket) programming (github.com)
202. 用 3000 行代码建立数据库,0 依赖关系 ↑ 33 HN Points 01-16 Build a Database in 3000 Lines with 0 Dependencies (build-your-own.org)
204. 六十年代半的系统:东芝 Visicom COM-100 ↑ 5 HN Points 01-19 A System for the Sixties-and-a-Half: The Toshiba Visicom COM-100 (nicole.express)
205. 当美国的顶级间谍是学者和图书馆员时 ↑ 16 HN Points 01-18 When America''s Top Spies Were Academics and Librarians (newrepublic.com)
207. 年轻人出去玩的机会越来越少--这可能会损害他们的心理健康 ↑ 5 HN Points 01-19 Young people are hanging out less – it may be harming their mental health (www.ft.com)
209. 大众香肠与美食汽车行业跨界的持久吸引力 ↑ 5 HN Points 01-17 Volkswagen Sausage and the Enduring Appeal of Culinary Car-Industry Crossovers (www.atlasobscura.com)
210. 鲍勃-迪伦的《手鼓先生》草稿以超过 40 万英镑的价格售出 ↑ 3 HN Points 01-19 Bob Dylan''s drafts for Mr Tambourine Man sell for more than 400k (www.theguardian.com)
212. 日本的老年人孤独而艰难。一些妇女选择入狱 ↑ 9 HN Points 01-19 Japan''s elderly are lonely and struggling. Some women choose to go to jail (www.cnn.com)
213. 在屏幕上显示图像文件的内容有多难? ↑ 4 HN Points 01-17 How hard would it be to display the contents of an image file on the screen? (wolf.nereid.pl)
214. z 7 亮星的性质和远红外变异性 ↑ 5 HN Points 01-16 Properties and Far-infrared Variability of a z 7 Blazar (iopscience.iop.org)
215. 真人秀节目 "叛徒 "提供了一堂有益的经济学课 ↑ 8 HN Points 01-19 "The Traitors", a reality TV show, offers a useful economics lesson (www.economist.com)
216. IsMyXFeedFcked - 分析您的 X Feed 对您的影响 ↑ 6 HN Points 01-19 IsMyXFeedFcked – Analyze How Your X Feed''s Impacting You (www.ismyxfeedfucked.com)
217. VanMoof E 移位机的逆向工程 - 第 2 部分 - 信号解码 ↑ 3 HN Points 01-15 Reverse Engineering a VanMoof E-Shifter – Part 2 – Decoding the Signals (mikecoats.com)
219. 书中披露,《弗兰肯斯坦》的灵感来自玛丽-雪莱同父异母妹妹的自杀 ↑ 3 HN Points 01-19 Frankenstein inspired by suicide of Mary Shelley''s half-sister, book reveals (www.theguardian.com)
220. GitHub 引入子问题、问题类型和高级搜索功能 ↑ 48 HN Points 01-16 GitHub introduces sub-issues, issue types and advanced search (github.blog)
223. 百年一遇 "的发现揭示了庞贝古城的奢华 ↑ 17 HN Points 01-17 ''Once-in-a-century'' discovery reveals luxury of Pompeii (www.bbc.com)
224. 苹果从 App Store 下架了所有 ByteDance 应用程序 ↑ 51 HN Points 01-19 Apple removed all ByteDance apps from the App Store (support.apple.com)
225. 35 美分 "准将 64 软调制解调器 ↑ 9 HN Points 01-19 The "35-cent" Commodore 64 softmodem (oldvcr.blogspot.com)
226. 我是如何用 Raspberry Pi 建立这个网站的 ↑ 7 HN Points 01-15 How I built this website on a Raspberry Pi (mirawelner.com)
227. 脸书收买美国共和党公司恶意中伤 TikTok ↑ 19 HN Points 01-19 Facebook paid GOP firm to malign TikTok (www.washingtonpost.com)
228. Forgejo:自托管的轻量级软件锻造器 ↑ 5 HN Points 01-19 Forgejo: A self-hosted lightweight software forge (forgejo.org)
229. Yek:序列化您的代码 repo(或其中的一部分),以便输入到任何 LLM 中 ↑ 3 HN Points 01-19 Yek: Serialize your code repo (or part of it) to feed into any LLM (github.com)
230. 利用 AMD MI300X 提升计算流体力学性能 ↑ 3 HN Points 01-16 Boosting Computational Fluid Dynamics Performance with AMD MI300X (rocm.blogs.amd.com)
232. 马克-扎克伯格指责谢丽尔-桑德伯格推动 Meta "包容性":报道 ↑ 6 HN Points 01-19 Mark Zuckerberg blamed Sheryl Sandberg for Meta ''inclusivity'' push: report (www.msn.com)
233. 通过时间和地点追踪军事指挥链 ↑ 4 HN Points 01-16 Tracing Military Command Chains Through Time and Location (www.dot.studio)
234. 全息图全栈同构 Elixir 网络框架 ↑ 4 HN Points 01-15 Hologram: A full-stack isomorphic Elixir web framework (hologram.page)
235. 因为科技寡头,世界客观上变得更糟了 ↑ 24 HN Points 01-19 The world is an objectively worse place because of tech-bro oligarchs (www.irishexaminer.com)
236. 我们需要保护运行 Bluesky 的协议 ↑ 12 HN Points 01-19 We need to protect the protocol that runs Bluesky (www.technologyreview.com)
238. 游戏工作室和微型企业的远大抱负 ↑ 3 HN Points 01-19 Games Workshop and the big ambition of a miniatures business (www.bbc.com)
239. Unix 拼写在 64KB RAM 中运行 ↑ 19 HN Points 01-19 Unix Spell Ran in 64kB RAM (blog.codingconfessions.com)
240. 使用社区版 Synapse 将导致全国范围的 Matrix 部署失败 ↑ 10 HN Points 01-19 Nation-scale Matrix deployments will fail using the community version of Synapse (mastodon.matrix.org)
241. 英国二手书店:2024 年报告 ↑ 3 HN Points 01-15 Second-Hand Bookshops in Britain: 2024 Report (wormwoodiana.blogspot.com)
242. 法老之墓 HD》--用 Kaplay 制作的 JavaScript 重制版 ↑ 5 HN Points 01-19 Pharaoh''s Tomb HD – A Remake Made in JavaScript with Kaplay (pt-hd.iocaihost.me)
243. Borrowchecker.jl - 为 Julia 设计一个借款检查器 ↑ 6 HN Points 01-19 Borrowchecker.jl – Designing a borrow checker for Julia (github.com)
244. 在单精度通用矩阵乘法中击败 cuBLAS ↑ 3 HN Points 01-15 Beating cuBLAS in Single-Precision General Matrix Multiplication (salykova.github.io)
246. Perplexity AI 提交与 TikTok 合并的申请 ↑ 15 HN Points 01-19 Perplexity AI submits bid to merge with TikTok (techcrunch.com)
247. 分析的未来是无形的:为什么要停止使用 Google Analytics ↑ 3 HN Points 01-19 The Future of Analytics Is Invisible: Why You Should Stop Using Google Analytics (www.iodiasix.com)
248. WASM GC 还没有为实时图形做好准备 ↑ 8 HN Points 01-19 WASM GC isn''t ready for realtime graphics (dthompson.us)
249. 澳大利亚网球公开赛采用动画漫画绕过转播限制 ↑ 8 HN Points 01-16 Australian Open resorts to animated caricatures to bypass broadcast restrictions (www.crikey.com.au)
250. 到 2028 年,无云公司将成为最有价值的公司 ↑ 3 HN Points #Ask HN 01-19 By 2028 cloud free companies are going to be most valuable (news.ycombinator.com)
251. 审视量子计算机无法运行的一些说法 ↑ 5 HN Points 01-19 Looking at some claims that quantum computers won''t work (blog.cr.yp.to)
253. 重新设计用户界面/用户体验,让人工智能能够使用软件 ↑ 4 HN Points 01-19 Redesigning UI/UX so AI can use software (fromzero.ghost.io)
255. 天梦英特尔的 E-Cores 傲视群雄 ↑ 5 HN Points 01-19 Skymont: Intel''s E-Cores reach for the Sky (chipsandcheese.com)
256. 逆向设计奔腾处理器中的进位前瞻加法器 ↑ 10 HN Points 01-19 Reverse-engineering a carry-lookahead adder in the Pentium (www.righto.com)
258. 预算内的激光故障喷射:RP2350 版 ↑ 6 HN Points 01-15 Laser Fault Injection on a Budget: RP2350 Edition (courk.cc)
259. Show HN: ZX Spectrum SCR 到 PNG 转换器 ↑ 4 HN Points #Show HN 01-17 ZX Spectrum SCR to PNG Converter (www.esp32rainbow.com)
260. 亚马逊的人工智能爬虫让我的 Git 服务器变得不稳定 ↑ 9 HN Points 01-19 Amazon''s AI crawler is making my Git server unstable (xeiaso.net)
261. O1 不是聊天模式(这正是问题所在) ↑ 14 HN Points 01-19 O1 isn''t a chat model (and that''s the point) (www.latent.space)
263. 意大利寻求遏制 "虚假 "酒店和餐馆在线评论 ↑ 5 HN Points 01-19 Italy seeks to curb ''fake'' online reviews for hotels and restaurants (www.rte.ie)
265. Shapecatcher - 通过绘图查找 Unicode 字符 ↑ 6 HN Points 01-18 Shapecatcher – Find Unicode characters by drawing (shapecatcher.com)
266. 圣彼得大教堂数字体验 ↑ 9 HN Points 01-17 Saint Peter Basilica digital experience (virtual.basilicasanpietro.va)
268. 为宇航员唐-佩蒂特设计在国际空间站上使用的星际追踪器 ↑ 8 HN Points 01-15 Designing a Star Tracker for Astronaut Don Pettit to Use on the ISS (petapixel.com)
269. 电动汽车初创企业 Canoo 申请破产并停止运营 ↑ 3 HN Points 01-19 EV startup Canoo files for bankruptcy and ceases operations (techcrunch.com)
270. Show HN: 交互式 systemd(使用 systemd 单元的更好方法) ↑ 43 HN Points #Show HN 01-19 Interactive systemd (a better way to work with systemd units) (isd-project.github.io)
271. 杜萨编程语言(有限选择逻辑编程) ↑ 8 HN Points 01-18 Dusa Programming Language (Finite-Choice Logic Programming) (dusa.rocks)
274. 美国国家航空航天局的新发现:韦伯望远镜揭示了令人眼花缭乱的星际尘埃网 ↑ 3 HN Points 01-18 NASA''s Next-Level Discovery: Webb Exposes Dazzling Interstellar Web of Dust (scitechdaily.com)
278. Windows BitLocker - 没有螺丝刀也能拧紧 ↑ 21 HN Points 01-18 Windows BitLocker – Screwed Without a Screwdriver (neodyme.io)
279. 用波函数折叠算法生成无限世界 ↑ 8 HN Points 01-15 Generating an infinite world with the Wave Function Collapse algorithm (marian42.de)
280. Ask HN: 有人尝试过 SaaS 的其他公司模式(如合作公司)吗? ↑ 5 HN Points #Ask HN 01-18 Has anyone tried alternative company models (like a co-op) for SaaS? (news.ycombinator.com)
281. AMD Radeon Instinct MI300A 的巨型内存子系统 ↑ 13 HN Points 01-18 The AMD Radeon Instinct MI300A''s Giant Memory Subsystem (chipsandcheese.com)
282. Tcl 将赌注押在像纸一样的屏幕上 ↑ 9 HN Points 01-15 Tcl''s bet on screens that look like paper (notes.ghed.in)
283. 美国联邦贸易委员会禁止《源氏冲击》开发商向 16 岁以下儿童出售 "战利品",并对其处以 2,000 万美元的罚款 ↑ 5 HN Points 01-18 FTC bans Genshin Impact dev from selling lootboxes to under-16s, fines them 20M (www.ftc.gov)
284. PFAS污染后建议为泽西岛居民放血 ↑ 5 HN Points 01-18 Bloodletting recommended for Jersey residents after PFAS contamination (www.theguardian.com)
285. Transmeta:一场从未有过的 CPU 革命 [视频] ↑ 3 HN Points 01-18 Transmeta: A CPU Revolution That Never Was [video] (www.youtube.com)
286. 丰田普锐斯改变了汽车行业 ↑ 5 HN Points 01-18 The Toyota Prius Transformed the Auto Industry (spectrum.ieee.org)
287. antirez - 利用 LLM 修复 Redis 向量集中的一个现实世界错误 [视频] ↑ 22 HN Points 01-15 antirez - Fixing a real world bug in Redis vector sets with LLMs [video] (www.youtube.com)
289. FamiTracker 用于制作 NES/Famicom 系统音乐的免费 Windows 跟踪器 ↑ 3 HN Points 01-18 FamiTracker free windows tracker for producing music for the NES/Famicom-systems (famitracker.com)
292. 谷歌开始要求谷歌搜索使用 JavaScript ↑ 5 HN Points 01-18 Google begins requiring JavaScript for Google Search (techcrunch.com)
294. Ask HN: 您使用哪种 RSS 阅读器? ↑ 9 HN Points #Ask HN 01-18 Which RSS reader do you use? (news.ycombinator.com)
295. 查尔斯-达尔文的孩子们在他的手稿上留下的有趣图画 ↑ 3 HN Points 01-15 Playful Drawings That Charles Darwin''s Children Left on His Manuscripts (www.openculture.com)
296. 关于让 SSH 允许从互联网进行密码验证的想法 ↑ 6 HN Points 01-18 Thoughts on having SSH allow password authentication from the Internet (utcc.utoronto.ca)
298. 我一直在倡导支持 RSS,你也应该这样做 ↑ 6 HN Points 01-18 I''ve been advocating for RSS support, and you should too (reedybear.bearblog.dev)
299. 创建 Figma 插件,直接在 Figma 中为位图添加笔触 ↑ 3 HN Points 01-15 Build a Figma plugin to add stroke to bitmaps directly in Figma (www.figma.com)
300. 使用 ChatGPT 对环境无害 ↑ 32 HN Points 01-18 Using ChatGPT is not bad for the environment (andymasley.substack.com)