7. 城堡游戏引擎:网络目标 - 取得重大进展,首批 3 个演示版可供试用 Castle Game Engine: Web target – big progress, first 3 demos to try (castle-engine.io)
9. HyperDX (YC S22) 正在招聘工程师,以构建开源可观测性 HyperDX (YC S22) is hiring engineers to build open source observability (www.ycombinator.com)
11. Sigstore:确保您的软件如其所言 Sigstore: Making sure your software is what it claims to be (www.sigstore.dev)
12. JReleaser:快速、轻松发布项目的方法 JReleaser: quick and effortless way to release your project (jreleaser.org)
16. Ask HN: 有人在用微小语言模型做很酷的事情吗? Is anyone doing anything cool with tiny language models? (news.ycombinator.com)
19. 拉斐尔-阿劳霍的 20 幅令人着迷的几何杰作(2024 年) Rafael Araujo''s 20 Mesmerizing Geometrical Masterpieces (2024) (abakcus.com)
22. 麻省理工学院推出新型机器人昆虫,为机器人授粉员的崛起铺平道路 MIT Unveils New Robot Insect, Paving the Way Toward Rise of Robotic Pollinators (thedebrief.org)
23. Lisp 的优势如何促进复杂而灵活的应用(2016 年) How the strengths of Lisp facilitate complex and flexible applications (2016) (pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
25. 奔腾中有趣的 BiCMOS 电路,逆向工程 Interesting BiCMOS circuits in the Pentium, reverse-engineered (www.righto.com)
26. Show HN: SudokuVariants - 玩和构建不同的数独变体 SudokuVariants – play and construct different variants of Sudoku (sudokuvariants.com)
28. 概念细胞帮助大脑抽象信息和建立记忆 Concept Cells Help Your Brain Abstract Information and Build Memories (www.quantamagazine.org)
29. 不要再像一家获得投资的初创企业那样,在自筹资金的情况下肆意妄为了 Stop making moves like a funded startup when you''re bootstrapped (www.theinsightpad.com)
30. Show HN: 产品不相互竞争的 Product Hunt 替代方案 A Product Hunt alternative where products DON''T compete with each other (saascurate.com)
34. Show HN: 我做了一个应用程序,它使用 NFC 作为物理开关来屏蔽干扰信号 I made a app that uses NFC as a physical switch to block distractions (www.foqos.app)
35. 地球磁场北极正在移动,科学家刚刚更新了它的位置 Earth''s magnetic North Pole is on the move, scientists just updated its position (www.cnn.com)
40. 我们是否应该利用人工智能和法学硕士来进行基督教申辩? Should We Use AI and LLMs for Christian Apologetics? (lukeplant.me.uk)
41. Show HN: Pica - 基于 Rust 的代理人工智能基础设施(开源) Pica – Rust-based agentic AI infrastructure (open-source) (www.picaos.com)
42. 质数如此令人难忘,以至于人们都在寻找它们 Prime Numbers So Memorable That People Hunt for Them (www.scientificamerican.com)
43. 0click 针对 Signal、Discord 和其他平台的去匿名化攻击 0click deanonymization attack targeting Signal, Discord and other platforms (gist.github.com)
45. 元认知懒惰:生成式人工智能对学习动机的影响 Metacognitive laziness: Effects of generative AI on learning motivation (bera-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com)
46. Ask HN: 在没有 Facebook 的情况下组织当地社区? Organize local communities without Facebook? (news.ycombinator.com)
47. 这是一场噩梦":快递员对控制其工作的算法感到困惑 ''It''s a nightmare'': couriers mystified by the algorithms that control their jobs (www.theguardian.com)
49. Show HN: Printercow - 将任何热敏打印机变成应用程序接口端点 Printercow – Turn any thermal printer into an API endpoint (www.printercow.com)
51. 桑纳夏-曼特尔-德布勒乌三十年后的研究成果 The Sonnenschein-Mantel-Debreu Results After Thirty Years (citeseerx.ist.psu.edu)
52. 人们不善于报告自己吃了什么。这是饮食研究的一个问题 People are bad at reporting what they eat. That''s a problem for dietary research (www.science.org)
53. 镀金时代的小说有助于解释我们对路易吉-曼乔内的迷恋 The Gilded Age novel that helps explain our fascination with Luigi Mangione (theconversation.com)
54. 特朗普的科学顾问:他们如何影响他的第二任总统任期 Trump''s science advisers: how they could influence his second presidency (www.nature.com)
58. Vercel、Netlify 和 Heroku 的开源替代方案 Open Source Alternative to Vercel, Netlify and Heroku (dokploy.com)
62. X、Facebook、Instagram 和 YouTube 签署欧盟代码以应对仇恨言论 X, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube sign EU code to tackle hate speech (www.theverge.com)
66. 框架疲劳:开发人员对新技术感到愤怒的真正原因 Framework Fatigue: The Real Reason Developers Get Angry About New Tech (blog.raed.dev)
67. Unlink 与 DEL - 深入探讨 Redis 内部是如何工作的 Unlink vs. DEL – A deep dive into how it works internally in Redis (www.pankajtanwar.in)
68. 关于计划在即将到来的 2025 年世界电视论坛(FOSDEM)期间举行抗议活动的声明 Statement on planned protests during the upcoming FOSDEM 2025 (fosdem.org)
72. OpenAI FrontierMath 失败的一些教训 Some Lessons from the OpenAI FrontierMath Debacle (www.lesswrong.com)
74. 摄政时期的性教育:19 世纪欧洲妇女如何了解鸟类和蜜蜂? Regency Sex Ed: How did women in 19th C. Europe learn about the birds and bees? (www.historynewsnetwork.org)
75. Ask HN: 我们能承认我们想用人工智能取代工作吗? Can we just admit we want to replace jobs with AI? (news.ycombinator.com)
77. Show HN: CFRS[] 社区演示:使用 6 条命令绘制海龟图案 CFRS[] Community Demos: Patterns with turtle graphics using 6 commands (news.ycombinator.com)
80. 为 1985 年卡西欧 FX-451 计算器制作键盘 [视频] Building a keyboard for a 1985 Casio FX-451 calculator [video] (www.youtube.com)
83. 总统签署命令,75 天内拒绝执行 TikTok 禁令 President signs order refusing to enforce TikTok ban for 75 days (www.theverge.com)
84. 日本提供免费日托服务以促进东京出生率下降 Japan Offers Free Daycare to Boost Tokyo''s Falling Birth Rate (www.xatakaon.com)
87. 看起来 Meta 的确是偷了很多书来构建自己的人工智能 It sure looks like Meta stole a lot of books to build its AI (lithub.com)
89. 使用 Vamp、Chordino 和 FFmpeg 的吉他和弦卡拉 OK (2022) Guitar chord karaoke with Vamp, Chordino, and FFmpeg (2022) (dylanbeattie.net)
90. 新技术将海水转化为饮用水,无需大量化学品 New tech turns seawater into drinking water without tons of chemicals (news.umich.edu)
92. Ruff:用 Rust 编写的 Python 内核和代码格式化工具 Ruff: Python linter and code formatter written in Rust (github.com)
93. Automattic 首席执行官马特-穆伦维格似乎决心摧毁 WordPress Matt Mullenweg, Automattic''s CEO, Seems Bound and Determined to Wreck WordPress (digitalcxo.com)
94. 4.17亿像素仙女座星系全景图历时十余年制作完成 417-Megapixel Andromeda Galaxy Panorama Took over a Decade to Make (petapixel.com)
98. 从天文学角度看古埃及星钟(2021 年) An Astronomical View of Ancient Egyptian Star Clocks (2021) (storymaps.arcgis.com)
99. DeepSeek-R1-Distill-Qwen-1.5B 在某些基准测试中超越 GPT-4o DeepSeek-R1-Distill-Qwen-1.5B Surpasses GPT-4o in certain benchmarks (huggingface.co)
100. Kronotop兼容 Redis、由 FoundationDB 支持的事务性文档存储 Kronotop: Redis-compatible, transactional document store backed by FoundationDB (github.com)
103. Bambu 实验室--澄清我们的安全更新 Bambu Lab - Setting the Record Straight About Our Security Update (blog.bambulab.com)
104. 光学菲涅尔区板平面透镜:通过 I 型线步进装置获得彩色光刻胶 Optical Fresnel zone plate flat lens: colored photoresist through I-line stepper (www.nature.com)
105. 达美航空飞入限制空域后猎鹰 9 号火箭发射被取消 Falcon 9 Rocket Launch Scrubbed After Delta Air Flies into Restricted Airspace (www.paddleyourownkanoo.com)
106. 作者在人工智能盗版调查中寻求 Meta 的 Torrent 客户端日志和播种数据 Authors Seek Meta''s Torrent Client Logs and Seeding Data in AI Piracy Probe (torrentfreak.com)
107. 官员警告:含伟哥的 "勃起蜜 "正涌入法国 Viagra-laced ''erectile honey'' is flooding into France, officials warn (www.politico.eu)
108. Show HN: 使用网络摄像头和手部追踪玩断砖(开源) Play brick breaker using webcam and hand tracking (open source) (collidingscopes.github.io)
111. SRCL:构建具有终端美感的网络应用的开源 React 项目 SRCL: Open-source React project to build web apps with terminal aesthetics (www.sacred.computer)
115. 格陵兰鲨--地球上最长寿的脊椎动物(2017) The Greenland Shark, the Longest-Living Vertebrate on Earth (2017) (www.newyorker.com)
116. 我(不是)失败者:从六次失败的创业尝试中学到的经验教训 I Am (Not) a Failure: Lessons Learned from Six Failed Startup Attempts (blog.rongarret.info)
117. 挫折容忍度:大型组织的生存之道 Frustration Tolerance: An Essential for Surviving Large Orgs (www.leadingsapiens.com)
120. Show HN: 用于词汇积累的个性化 Duolingo(类似 Personalized Duolingo (Kind of) for Vocabulary Building (github.com)
123. 地表越深,发现的物种越多 The deeper under the Earth''s surface, the more species you can find (arstechnica.com)
126. 我是彼得-罗伯茨,移民律师,为 YC 和初创企业工作。阿马 I''m Peter Roberts, immigration attorney, who does work for YC and startups. AMA (news.ycombinator.com)
135. 谷歌为带有恶意软件的克隆自制网站提供赞助链接 Google serving sponsored link to Homebrew site clone with malware (twitter.com)
137. 一个新颖的 "亲吻和捕获 "事件赋予冥王星最大的卫星--卡戎 A Novel ''Kiss and Capture'' Event Gave Pluto Its Largest Moon, Charon (www.smithsonianmag.com)
138. 通过 9eSIM SIM 卡在只有实体 SIM 卡插槽的设备上使用 eSIM 卡 Using eSIMs with devices that only have a physical SIM slot via a 9eSIM SIM car (neilzone.co.uk)
141. 荷兰对部分 ASML 芯片工具实施美国出口管制 Dutch Align with US Export Controls on Some ASML Chip Tools (www.bloomberg.com)
142. CFRS[] 社区演示:使用 6 条命令绘制海龟图形图案 CFRS[] Community Demos: Patterns drawn with turtle graphics with 6 commands (susam.github.io)
144. 设计崇高 Boullée 和 Ledoux 的建筑革命 Designing the Sublime Boullée and Ledoux''s Architectural Revolution (publicdomainreview.org)
147. 拜占庭-萨珊战争(公元 602-628 年):古代最后一场大战 Byzantine-Sassanian War (602-628 CE): The Last Great War of Antiquity (www.thecollector.com)
151. 用增量计算解决细粒度授权问题 Solving Fine Grained Authorization with Incremental Computation (www.feldera.com)
152. 支持 DRM 功能且可能无法完全访问 "对固态硬盘意味着什么? What does "supports DRM functions and may not be fully accessible"mean for SSDs? (unix.stackexchange.com)
158. 研究表明,野火正在吞噬加州的气候成果 Wildfires are erasing California''s climate gains, research shows (news.uchicago.edu)
160. 提取 Bambu Connect 的认证 X.509 证书和私钥 Bambu Connect''s Authentication X.509 Certificate and Private Key Extracted (hackaday.com)
161. Ask HN: 有人通过销售传统的可下载软件赚钱吗? Is anyone making money selling traditional downloadable software? (news.ycombinator.com)
168. 员工因办公桌短缺返回办公室后对亚马逊 "领导层 "不满 Staffers unload on Amazon ''leadership'' after return-to-office for desk shortage (www.msn.com)
169. 柯蒂斯-亚尔文说民主已经结束。强大的保守派在倾听 Curtis Yarvin Says Democracy Is Done. Powerful Conservatives Are Listening (www.nytimes.com)
171. OpenAI 资助了 FrontierMath Benchmarks,并获得了这套工具 OpenAI funded FrontierMath Benchmarks and had access to the set (www.lesswrong.com)
173. 中断如何影响不同的软件工程活动 How do interruptions impact different software engineering activities (rdel.substack.com)
176. 作为日本文字设计和文化使者的筷套 Chopstick Sleeves as Emissaries of Japanese Typography and Culture (letterformarchive.org)
179. 物理学家已经证明,一种理想化的磁性形式是耐热的 Physicists have shown that an idealized form of magnetism is heatproof (www.quantamagazine.org)
180. 部长:发布猫咪视频的 TikTok 用户不会威胁英国国家安全 TikTok users posting cat videos do not threaten UK national security, minister (www.theguardian.com)
181. 用 RSS 订阅逃离围墙花园和算法黑箱 Escape the walled garden and algorithm black boxes with RSS feeds (www.johnwalker.nl)
182. 为什么 Git Autocorrect 对一级方程式赛车手来说太快了? Why is Git Autocorrect too fast for Formula One drivers? (blog.gitbutler.com)
185. 腓尼基古沉船被发现,沉没于 2.6 千年前的西班牙近海 Ancient Phoenician Shipwreck Recovered, Sank 2.6k Years Ago Off Coast of Spain (www.smithsonianmag.com)
187. 用 Raspberry Pi 为你的家庭实验室打造一个小型 CA Build a tiny CA for your homelab with a Raspberry Pi (smallstep.com)
188. 通过撒哈拉以南非洲的锶等值线图可追溯奴隶贸易 (2024) Strontium isoscape of sub-Saharan Africa allows tracing slave trade (2024) (www.nature.com)
189. 在不支持的系统中将 Apple 设备用作门禁卡 Using your Apple device as an access card in unsupported systems (github.com)
191. 特朗普发表言论后,TikTok 表示将恢复对美国用户的服务 TikTok says it is restoring service for U.S. users after Trump comments (www.nbcnews.com)
192. 马克-扎克伯格向游说团体支付 760 万美元以协助禁止 TikTok Mark Zuckerberg paid lobby7.6M to aid in TikTok ban (readsludge.com)
193. 用 C 或 C 从 UTC 字符串中获取 Unix 时区时间的惊人难度 The surprising struggle to get a Unix Epoch time from a UTC string in C or C (berthub.eu)
194. TikTok 关闭:数据显示美国访问量下降 85%(替代品激增) TikTok Shut Down: Data Shows 85% Drop in US Access (and Surge to Alternatives) (blog.cloudflare.com)
196. GauntletAI (YC S17) 会带你飞出去,训练你建造人工智能,并给你 20 万的工作。 GauntletAI (YC S17) will fly you out, train you to build w AI, give you 200k job (gauntletai.com)
197. 联想已从新款 ThinkPad 笔记本电脑中移除标志性的 TrackPoint 凸点 Lenovo has removed its iconic TrackPoint nub from new ThinkPad laptops (www.pcworld.com)
200. 关于 Linux 网络(Socket)编程综合指南 About A comprehensive guide for Linux Network (Socket) programming (github.com)
204. 六十年代半的系统:东芝 Visicom COM-100 A System for the Sixties-and-a-Half: The Toshiba Visicom COM-100 (nicole.express)
207. 年轻人出去玩的机会越来越少--这可能会损害他们的心理健康 Young people are hanging out less – it may be harming their mental health (www.ft.com)
209. 大众香肠与美食汽车行业跨界的持久吸引力 Volkswagen Sausage and the Enduring Appeal of Culinary Car-Industry Crossovers (www.atlasobscura.com)
210. 鲍勃-迪伦的《手鼓先生》草稿以超过 40 万英镑的价格售出 Bob Dylan''s drafts for Mr Tambourine Man sell for more than 400k (www.theguardian.com)
212. 日本的老年人孤独而艰难。一些妇女选择入狱 Japan''s elderly are lonely and struggling. Some women choose to go to jail (www.cnn.com)
213. 在屏幕上显示图像文件的内容有多难? How hard would it be to display the contents of an image file on the screen? (wolf.nereid.pl)
215. 真人秀节目 "叛徒 "提供了一堂有益的经济学课 "The Traitors", a reality TV show, offers a useful economics lesson (www.economist.com)
216. IsMyXFeedFcked - 分析您的 X Feed 对您的影响 IsMyXFeedFcked – Analyze How Your X Feed''s Impacting You (www.ismyxfeedfucked.com)
217. VanMoof E 移位机的逆向工程 - 第 2 部分 - 信号解码 Reverse Engineering a VanMoof E-Shifter – Part 2 – Decoding the Signals (mikecoats.com)
219. 书中披露,《弗兰肯斯坦》的灵感来自玛丽-雪莱同父异母妹妹的自杀 Frankenstein inspired by suicide of Mary Shelley''s half-sister, book reveals (www.theguardian.com)
220. GitHub 引入子问题、问题类型和高级搜索功能 GitHub introduces sub-issues, issue types and advanced search (github.blog)
224. 苹果从 App Store 下架了所有 ByteDance 应用程序 Apple removed all ByteDance apps from the App Store (support.apple.com)
229. Yek:序列化您的代码 repo(或其中的一部分),以便输入到任何 LLM 中 Yek: Serialize your code repo (or part of it) to feed into any LLM (github.com)
230. 利用 AMD MI300X 提升计算流体力学性能 Boosting Computational Fluid Dynamics Performance with AMD MI300X (rocm.blogs.amd.com)
232. 马克-扎克伯格指责谢丽尔-桑德伯格推动 Meta "包容性":报道 Mark Zuckerberg blamed Sheryl Sandberg for Meta ''inclusivity'' push: report (www.msn.com)
235. 因为科技寡头,世界客观上变得更糟了 The world is an objectively worse place because of tech-bro oligarchs (www.irishexaminer.com)
236. 我们需要保护运行 Bluesky 的协议 We need to protect the protocol that runs Bluesky (www.technologyreview.com)
240. 使用社区版 Synapse 将导致全国范围的 Matrix 部署失败 Nation-scale Matrix deployments will fail using the community version of Synapse (mastodon.matrix.org)
242. 法老之墓 HD》--用 Kaplay 制作的 JavaScript 重制版 Pharaoh''s Tomb HD – A Remake Made in JavaScript with Kaplay (pt-hd.iocaihost.me)
243. Borrowchecker.jl - 为 Julia 设计一个借款检查器 Borrowchecker.jl – Designing a borrow checker for Julia (github.com)
244. 在单精度通用矩阵乘法中击败 cuBLAS Beating cuBLAS in Single-Precision General Matrix Multiplication (salykova.github.io)
247. 分析的未来是无形的:为什么要停止使用 Google Analytics The Future of Analytics Is Invisible: Why You Should Stop Using Google Analytics (www.iodiasix.com)
249. 澳大利亚网球公开赛采用动画漫画绕过转播限制 Australian Open resorts to animated caricatures to bypass broadcast restrictions (www.crikey.com.au)
250. 到 2028 年,无云公司将成为最有价值的公司 By 2028 cloud free companies are going to be most valuable (news.ycombinator.com)
263. 意大利寻求遏制 "虚假 "酒店和餐馆在线评论 Italy seeks to curb ''fake'' online reviews for hotels and restaurants (www.rte.ie)
265. Shapecatcher - 通过绘图查找 Unicode 字符 Shapecatcher – Find Unicode characters by drawing (shapecatcher.com)
268. 为宇航员唐-佩蒂特设计在国际空间站上使用的星际追踪器 Designing a Star Tracker for Astronaut Don Pettit to Use on the ISS (petapixel.com)
269. 电动汽车初创企业 Canoo 申请破产并停止运营 EV startup Canoo files for bankruptcy and ceases operations (techcrunch.com)
270. Show HN: 交互式 systemd(使用 systemd 单元的更好方法) Interactive systemd (a better way to work with systemd units) (isd-project.github.io)
274. 美国国家航空航天局的新发现:韦伯望远镜揭示了令人眼花缭乱的星际尘埃网 NASA''s Next-Level Discovery: Webb Exposes Dazzling Interstellar Web of Dust (scitechdaily.com)
279. 用波函数折叠算法生成无限世界 Generating an infinite world with the Wave Function Collapse algorithm (marian42.de)
280. Ask HN: 有人尝试过 SaaS 的其他公司模式(如合作公司)吗? Has anyone tried alternative company models (like a co-op) for SaaS? (news.ycombinator.com)
281. AMD Radeon Instinct MI300A 的巨型内存子系统 The AMD Radeon Instinct MI300A''s Giant Memory Subsystem (chipsandcheese.com)
283. 美国联邦贸易委员会禁止《源氏冲击》开发商向 16 岁以下儿童出售 "战利品",并对其处以 2,000 万美元的罚款 FTC bans Genshin Impact dev from selling lootboxes to under-16s, fines them 20M (www.ftc.gov)
284. PFAS污染后建议为泽西岛居民放血 Bloodletting recommended for Jersey residents after PFAS contamination (www.theguardian.com)
285. Transmeta:一场从未有过的 CPU 革命 [视频] Transmeta: A CPU Revolution That Never Was [video] (www.youtube.com)
287. antirez - 利用 LLM 修复 Redis 向量集中的一个现实世界错误 [视频] antirez - Fixing a real world bug in Redis vector sets with LLMs [video] (www.youtube.com)
289. FamiTracker 用于制作 NES/Famicom 系统音乐的免费 Windows 跟踪器 FamiTracker free windows tracker for producing music for the NES/Famicom-systems (famitracker.com)
295. 查尔斯-达尔文的孩子们在他的手稿上留下的有趣图画 Playful Drawings That Charles Darwin''s Children Left on His Manuscripts (www.openculture.com)
296. 关于让 SSH 允许从互联网进行密码验证的想法 Thoughts on having SSH allow password authentication from the Internet (utcc.utoronto.ca)
298. 我一直在倡导支持 RSS,你也应该这样做 I''ve been advocating for RSS support, and you should too (reedybear.bearblog.dev)
299. 创建 Figma 插件,直接在 Figma 中为位图添加笔触 Build a Figma plugin to add stroke to bitmaps directly in Figma (www.figma.com)